Got problems? Jesus wants to help!

In one, simple, short verse, Jesus gives a clear teaching on what you are to do with your problems. He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Now according to the Lord, you need to do three things.
First, you must take your problems to the right place. All too often most people just worry about their problems, but it’s the wrong place to take them. Job tried to tell his friends about his problems which have become burdens. He found that they may sympathize, but they couldn’t really help him with the real burdens of life! Another hard fact is that you will never be able to run away from the problems. No, there’s only one right place to take your burdens … notice the invitation: “Come!” The Lord throws open the door to His throne room and invites all who are in need to come to Him for help (Hebrews 4:16).

Secondly, you must transfer your burdens to the right person. Jesus said, “Come to me!” What He’s saying is that He cares about your situation and that He can do something about it. First Peter 5 says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (vs. 7). The Lord can change what you’re facing and how you face it! Your problems are no problem at all to Him! He cares for you!
Thirdly, you must trust your burdens to the right provision. In Matthew 21, Jesus said, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (vs. 22). What a powerful promise. “If you believe, you will receive” … however God deals with your burdens, you can be sure that He will always do that which is right for your life, (Romans 8:28) and it will be received through your faith.

You will also receive from Him this promise, “I will give you rest!” The rest that Jesus promises is not based only when your burdens will go away. The word that He uses for rest refers to a renewal and refreshment within your being. Praise the Lord!
If you aren’t a Christ follower, then Jesus is saying “come.” If you are a Christian but you are struggling with your walk, He says “come.” If you are carrying a burden He says “come.” If you are carrying the burden of “doubt,” He says come. If your problems are too much, Jesus says come! If you are tired of your problems, Jesus says come! What’s you burden? What’s your problems? Jesus is inviting you to bring your problems which have become burdens to Him. Pray and surrender it all to Jesus. Bring it to Jesus! He knows what to do with your burdens!
Give Jesus your problems, trust Jesus to give you a plan!

Want to give your problems to Jesus, say the prayer below and wait for Jesus to begin to guide you so that you can be helped!
Dear Jesus, I am a sinner in need of your saving grace, I cannot save myself so I invite you to come into my life and become my personal Lord and Savior. Jesus, I am troubled with problems. Some of my problems have become burdens, so, Jesus I am giving you my problems and I am asking you to give me a plan.
I don’t know where you are Jesus, but you know where I am. So please Jesus, come to me and give me a plan for my problems. I will wait on you. I will pray for you! I will look for you! I will honor you and I will thank you for the plan that you will give me for my problems, it is in your name I ask and pray, amen!
Authors Rev. Street & The WIN International Ministries Team!