If You’re Looking For Jesus, Don’t Look in The GraveYard!

We have Good news For You from the graveyard! We know That’s a strange place for good news, But that’s what Easter is all about. If you’re looking for Jesus this Easter, don’t look in the graveyard. He isn’t there. He left the graveyard 2000 years ago and never went back.
The really good news is this … If you are looking for Jesus today, you can meet him right here, right now, He wants to lead You to God’s Plan B for your life! May I introduce you to him this morning?
His name is Jesus of Nazareth. He is called the Son of God. God so loved you that he sent Jesus to die on the cross for you. He was buried in Joseph’s tomb. He rose from the dead on Easter Sunday morning. He paid for your sins so that if you believe in him you will never perish but have everlasting life.
That’s good news, my friend. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you met Jesus on Easter Sunday?
You can. He’s waiting for you. The living Lord Jesus Christ would like to meet you this morning. Simply say in your heart, “Lord Jesus, I want to meet you right now. Thank you for dying on the cross and rising from the dead. I put my trust in you as my Savior. Amen.”
Heavenly Father, We thank you for the wonderful message of Easter. That Jesus who died now lives again, nevermore to die. The birds this morning join the chorus. The sunlight shouts the message. All creation proclaims, “Jesus is alive.”
Living Lord, be born anew in our hearts today. Lead us to the empty tomb. Let faith rise to banish our fears. Grant that we might leave this place singing, with Easter joy in our hearts.
Through him, and to him who is the Resurrection and the Life, even Jesus our Lord, Amen.
-R Pritchard