Look For Jesus in the unexpected!

At a public high school choral concert, I saw and experienced Jesus. No, it wasn’t that the performers were amazing. They were good. Not that the program was super creative — it was innovative, but not over the top. It was a nice program with all the expected elements: good music,a few solos, musical variety, harmony, instrumentalist accompaniment, and a few dancers. The beautiful printed program was handed out, the sound system was checked, and the concert began on time. That may have been one of the miracles that I should have noticed, but did not. The teacher directed, encouraged, gave accolades to the students, and made all the normal announcements. Perfection was not expected nor seen.

Being grandma, I mostly watched my own grandchild and was pleased. She did not sing a solo, but sang her part very well; at least I thought so. I must admit I am a bit partial. The moment halfway through the concert when Jesus was to be noticed was about to start. We were all unaware of Jesus being present in a young man possibly 14 or 15 years old, standing on the stage, who was about to sing. I had noticed him in the group and realized he was somewhat at a disadvantage as he was the only male in the not so gender-diverse “mixed chorus.” There he stood in the midst of possibly 20 girls. I do not want to mislead the readers, as there were other male singers, part of the men’s chorus, or the madrigals, but not in this group. I noticed that he had difficulty walking and needed the help of a young lady to get to his place on stage. He obviously had some difficulty that caused him to stand out, but I cannot tell you what it was.

He began singing, a nice voice — but it was not what drew us in. It was the song and how he sang. Amazing Grace, it truly touched the hearts of all the listeners. He sang it with his whole heart and soul and each of us rose from our seat. We felt Jesus’s presence in this humble disabled young man. We were listening to a young man praising the Lord, we were witnessing Jesus in the flesh. As the young man sang and the music played, We were drawn into another realm, another time and another space as the song and the music transported each listener into their own personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ! We all learned that day the meaning of Psalms 16:11 which says
“You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence with eternal pleasures at Your right hand”.

The song and the young man singing called for us to acknowledge God’s presence. The song and the young man singing called for us to acknowledge Jesus’s presence. We could feel God’s grace and we each responded. We could all feel Jesus’s presence and we all responded. After such a powerful encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, I noticed there were people all around me with tears running down their faces, standing in Jesus presence. We had just had an unexpected glorious moment of seeing Jesus in a most unlikely place.
I began to wish that the attendance had been larger, but I am so wrong. It is up to God to decide when He shows up and to whom. It is up to Jesus to decide when He shows up and to whom. I know Jesus does come to each of us individually and He often ministers to an audience of one. I am thankful that this teacher and young man obeyed God. We may not be called to sing, but our gifts and talents are needed to serve others, to show them the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ is all you need to transport you from what was to what Jesus can help it become!
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
Copyright © Kathy Schultz. Used by permission.
Can God change your life?
God has made it possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in your own life.

Perhaps the issues you face, the dramas that you’ve been going thru, and the unsolved problems that you might face, are all setting you up so that you too will experience Jesus in unexpected places in unexpected moments. This holiday season as you make your Christmas list and you check it twice, invite Jesus to come alongside you to walk with you, talk with you, and show up in unexpected places, in unlikely moments, the presence of Christ often means the absence of trouble, sickness, problems, or brokenness.
Want to invite Jesus to show up inunlikely places in unlikely moments? Repeat this prayer, “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner in need of your saving Grace, I cannot save myself, please forgive me for my sins, please become my personal Lord and Savior, I invite you to take control of my life and show up in unexpected places at unlikely times, help me dear Jesus, so that I too can become transformed and transported by your presence into another realm, another time, another space, so that perhaps I can begin to get my life fixed, it is in your name, I ask and pray. Amen!
Evangelist Wendy Evans
Founder and CEO of WIN International Ministries