Maybe Jesus Has allowed “What has Happened to you” to lead you to “Let Go and Let God”!

Popular Christian speaker and author Joyce Meyer says that everybody has baggage, but God gives people the opportunity to redeem themselves and create new beginnings.
“Have you ever noticed all the people throughout the Bible that God gave a fresh start?” she wrote on her website. “When you think about all the people throughout the Scriptures whom God forgave, redeemed and used in mighty ways, can you doubt that He is able to do the same for you? Our God is the God of ‘do overs,’ second chances, fresh starts and new beginnings.”
And God is not stingy with how many fresh starts people can have. However, a lot of people lose sight of what God has in store for them because current challenges can get so difficult.
Meyer shared that she had difficulty letting go of the pains of sexual abuse she experienced as a child. For several years, all she felt was anger and bitterness because of what happened to her, and she felt that someone had to pay for what happened to her. She took her feelings out on everybody around her.
But when God spoke to her, telling her to forgive herself and move on, Meyer did just that—and she began experiencing infinite joy in a new beginning.
“It’s never too late to have a fresh start when you have life in Christ,” she reminded Christians. “Your past is not your destiny. If you refuse to give up hope, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you out of your ‘stuck’ place, not only will God restore what you had, He will make your life even better.”
It won’t be easy to move on, stated Joyce Meyer, because God leads.
Although people don’t know where He’s leading them to, they should learn how to yield to God instead of being resistant. Once they do, they will enjoy life, even if things don’t work out the way they had hoped, Meyer said.
“And if God asks you to give something up, understand that He’s not trying to take away something you like or want just to be mean. God always has your best interest at heart. Trust where He’s taking you,” she said.
Want “What has happened to you” to be transformed into your new start? If so, join us in this simple prayer;
Dear Jesus, thank you for this timely article. “I want to follow where God leads”. I am tired of my “Stuck” places. I cannot do this on my own and in my own strength. I invite you dear Jesus, to forgive me for my sins, my past transgressions, and waywardness. I invite you to come into my life to become my personal Lord and Saviour and take control. I invite you to control what I cannot and to lead me from my “Stuck places”, in your name, I ask and pray – Amen!