If You Pray like Jesus You’ll get closer to Your God Given Purposes!

Most of us pray at the time of crises like never before, don’t we? Yes we do, and we accept this fact, however, most of us never share this with anyone. But God knows it all, He knows we all tend to pray more when there are problems. Still he never complains and He assists us at every phase, and He answers our prayers according to His will for our lives and He always does whatever is good for us. Whatever he does, he never expects anything in return, but it’s our duty to remember him during sorrow and also during happiness.
Most of us pray for what we want, pray for what others want or pray for what we need or what other’s need, but have you ever prayed for what God wants? Have you ever considered that God may want you to “actually” Pray prayers that invite His plan, and His will for your life? Jesus learned early on that His life was not His own. As the Son of God, His life was not His own, He was created for a purpose and that purpose was to fulfill the plans and purposes of God. So when Jesus prayed, He prayed the plans, purposes and will of God for His life, and if you have accepted Jesus Christ as Your Personal Lord and Savior, you have been adopted into God’s family and you are now a child of God. As a child of God, God has created you to fulfill His plans and purposes for your life. To help you fulfill your God given purposes, we invite you pray and invite God to work in your life according to His plans and purposes for your life. We’d like to invite you to pray the following Prayers to God daily to help you accomplish your God given purposes!
Prayers For You To Pray Daily!
·· – Jesus, Open my eyes that I may see the resources you already have available for me to fulfill your plans and purposes for my life.” Guide me to those resources You have made available for me so that I can fulfill my God-given purposes efficiently.
– Jesus, “Help me to be an extension of your heart and hands to people who need to draw closer to you.
– Jesus, Help me be the hands and feet of Jesus to those you place in my path to help bring about Your plans and purposes for their lives.
· Jesus, “Guide me as I plan my week and my days that I may always honor you and submit to your plans and purposes for my life.”
– Jesus, Help me learn to recognize your voice, your hand, and your work in my life en-route to accomplishing your plans and purposes for my life.
· Jesus “Grant me the grace and time that I will need to fulfill the divine assignment God has created me for, in Your name I ask and Pray, Jesus – Amen!