Problems? Could it Be that You are Not where Jesus Wants?

But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. Job 32:8 (NIV)
Years ago I made a decision to drop out of college. Then a young mom with two children and one on the way, I believed college was just too much to manage. I hoped that when my kids started school I’d go back to school myself, but that didn’t happen. Instead, I began homeschooling. I also took an interest in writing. While my kids napped, I worked on articles and novels. I attended writers’ conferences and met with other writers. I had big dreams, with very little education.
Unfortunately I met rejection for many years, and there was a time that I felt like giving up. I was certain I was wasting my time. And that’s when I turned to Jesus in prayer. I relinquished all of my hopes, dreams, and writing ideas to Him. As I prayed, Jesus reminded me of the little girl who checked out more books at the library than she could possibly carry home. Jesus reminded me of the stories I made up in my head. He showed me that He’d planted these seeds in my heart, even as a child. Writing wasn’t my idea but His.
Over the years I’ve written over fifty books, and I’ve depended on Jesus for every one of them. I don’t have a college degree, but He leads me to the right information and research. I’ve met amazing people who’ve led me along the way. When I turn to Jesus, He gives me understanding. His presence was there at creation, and it’s in each of us as we strive to follow the plans He’s uniquely designed for each of us.
Faith Step: What did you enjoy doing the most when you were young? What brought you joy? Pray and ask Jesus if there are dreams He has for you that He wants to fulfill. Then relinquish your dreams and ask to follow His.
Suggested next action step for you; Pray and ask Jesus if there are dreams He has for you that He wants to fulfill. Then relinquish your dreams and ask to follow His. A Simple prayer such as Dear Jesus, are there any dreams you have for me that you might want me to fulfill? If so, would you kindly reveal to me what they are and then help me become it, will you empower me to walk in it and give me the resources, the time, the talent and the skill I might need to be able do it dear sweet Jesus? I don’t want to spend the rest of my life walking on the wrong road doing the wrong things and hanging with the wrong people, help me Dear Jesus, come now, and help me please, it is in your name I ask and pray, Amen!