Tag Archives: appointed time

Is life’s stress Trying To Choke Life out of You? Jesus can help!

Job-related stress is unavoidable in any line of work. The effects of too much stress buildup, however, can be detrimental to you and your career. The average workweek has increased to about 75 hours a week or more including work

Jesus learned God’s Timing is best,What about You?

Do you remember the story of Abraham and Sarah? God gave them a promise that they were going to have a child, but year after year nothing happened, so they decided to help God out,  Sarah came up with a

Facing difficult relationships?Do what Jesus Did!

  Are you looking for Christian relationship help? Do you wonder what Jesus would do in your difficult relationship? There is a good chance that you have some misconceptions about what Jesus would do. Many Christians have a picture of

Jesus will show you God’s Answer!

Are you going through a “Hard place” right now that seems to have you stuck and unable to move one way or the other? Does it seem like no matter what, things or folks are just not getting any better
