Tag Archives: Depressed

Not happy? Plug in to Divine Power!

We must not forget to punch that little red button and make sure the current of heaven’s grace and power flow to us and flow through us to the world. “What a dummy!” I thought to myself. I had plugged

When Jesus Is Silent!

“But Jesus gave her no reply, not even a word. Then his disciples urged him to send her away. ‘Tell her to go away,’ they said. ‘She is bothering us with all her begging.'” Matthew 15:23 (NLT) Have you ever felt like

Let Jesus change your disappointments to God appointments!

All of us have tasted disappointment. You didn’t get the gift you hoped for. Again. You watch as others pull off brightly colored paper as smiles spread across their faces. And you awkwardly try to adjust your slipping smile. Or

Could Jesus be allowing Your problems to get you to switch off Autopilot?

The human brain is a strange and wonderful thing. Does your brain ever switch over to autopilot? Mine does. There have been times when I’ve driven home from work and not really remembered the journey. I got there safely, but

Jesus can help you handle your “spiritual awakening”!

There is a coming-of-age for fruit-bearing Jesus-followers. At some point in your growth in the faith, you will face a drought or a plague or a blight of some kind. That’s when you will discover what your fruit is made

Stand Up!

Jesus sees you, my friend, and he has a new version of you waiting to happen. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness

Are YOU Still in the “same” boat?

Picture a beautiful sunny day with a cool breeze blowing. Imagine a little old rowboat that you often take to a small lake to get away. You sometimes stop by the shoreline to read, maybe fish, or just relax. If you were

Take A Mini Rest, Jesus Wants To Help!

The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them, “Come with

Do you “still” need a miracle?

Jesus is still a miracle worker One of the healings Jesus performed was healing someone who was sick. He restored health to a person by healing their body and giving them much needed peace, happiness, and hope. But Jesus can

Jesus has raised you! What will you do?

In the healing of a man with leprosy, we see the touch of Jesus and new life promised to us through the Spirit’s resurrection power. The apostle Paul prayed the following prayer for new believers in Asia Minor: Let them

Jesus wants to be at the center of your life!

Without Jesus at the center of our faith, we are left with only an empty form of religion. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you

Maybe You’re like “the other disciple standing by”!

Everyone wants to be front and center like Peter, but no one wants to be that “other disciple.” The Bible uses that phrase five times. Four times in chapter 20 and the other in John 18:16. In John 19, Jesus saw
