Tag Archives: Discouraged

Discouraged? Jesus Can Help!

Here are three psalms to read when YOU grow discouraged and need to be encouraged by the Word of God. Psalm 34:17-18 “When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The

When Life’s Crucibles of Suffering hems you in, Jesus can help!

If you find yourself surrounded by struggles—feeling tired, fed up, discouraged, sick, or broke—know that you’re not alone. YOU are not alone because a lot of folks are going through the same things or similar things as you are and

Look For Jesus in the unexpected!

At a public high school choral concert, I saw and experienced Jesus. No, it wasn’t that the performers were amazing. They were good. Not that the program was super creative — it was innovative, but not over the top. It

Jesus wants to help if you’ve become weary!

The enemy will try to bring things against you to try to get you to become weary and faint in your mind. If your mind faints, your words will change. When you say, “I believe I’m strong today. My faith

Jesus’s Rest is the best vacation!

Spring is here in most places in the world and that means vacation time for many. Why do we take vacations? Isn’t so that we can “rest” from our work and our regular duties of life for a little while?

Jesus can make a way, when problems hold you in an “abyss”!

Life can often feel like an unpredictable journey, filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, sunshine, and storms. Imagine for a moment you’re sailing on a seemingly calm sea, only to suddenly be engulfed by turbulent waves without warning.

Things not working? Are you planting the right things?

What is creeping around in your garden? Like millions of others at the beginning of the pandemic, I planted a vegetable garden. I love fresh, homegrown tomatoes. They taste better than store-bought ones. I discovered there is a joy and

When life is “crazy”, Trust Jesus to Transform Your Seasons!

Dear faithful friend and blog reader, If you find yourself at a crossroads, battered and worn by the storms of life, We want you to know that there is hope. Because of Jesus, there is always hope for what seems

7 Scriptures to HELP YOU make it through!

One year ago, I strapped on a massive green backpack and walked out of my childhood home, oblivious to the reality that I would never be back. I had recently finished university, and, intoxicated with freedom, couldn’t wait to enact

Jesus can help when it seems to not be working!

When YOU feel tired and worn out from going through hard time, it can be difficult to have faith that Jesus will help but Jesus always help even when it looks like He is not helping, not responding and not

Is what you need Impossible?

When you know that you know that you have done all that you can in “certain” situations”, it can be hard to know what to do! It can be hard to even wanna try again especially if you have been

Maybe you just need peace!

It’s a search that drives men, women and nations to great extremes — the search for peace. So much of our time, energy and resources are consumed with trying to find and keep peace with family members, friends and neighbors.
