Tag Archives: faith

Change Yourself and Let Jesus Change Your World!

No one ever woke up and said, “I think I’ll try to have a miserable day.” Each and everyday Jesus wants you to have the best day possible. He wants you to Be productive, to Be happy, to Be successful

Ever Wonder What To do if God or Jesus Doesn’t Show up to Help?

What do you do when it looks like God or Jesus hasn’t shown up after all when you pray repeatedly, seek repeatedly and ask for help repeatedly? Perhaps you’ve been praying earnestly for something – and the situation has apparently

Don’t Live Life In Fear, Trust Jesus! Trust God!

Terrorists terrify us. But from an eternal perspective, they may touch the body, but they can never touch the soul. “Dear friends, don’t be afraid of these who want to murder you. They can only kill the body; they have

Jesus wants to revive you when you’ve gotten tired of “going through it”!

If you live in this world long enough you are going to experience many ups and downs, many hills and valleys and many overwhelming circumstances that can oftentimes leave you tired, grumpy, worried and depressed! Circumstances that demand more energy

Jesus is working in Your Circumstances even if You See No Change!

Dear friend, we know life can be difficult. We know the toll it takes when you’ve prayed, believed, and stepped out in faith, yet the circumstances around you remain unchanged. You have faithfully given your time, your money, your service,

A Turnaround is Still Possible – Trust Jesus for a Plan!

When you are faced with difficulties and challenges, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and disheartened. But as Christians, we have a powerful source of hope – Jesus. If you have patience, faith and trust the way that Jesus chooses

Jesus is working through Your God sized Changes to create Your New!

We’ve just stepped over the threshold of a new year. Just a few nights ago, the second hand clicked past midnight and 2024 became 2025. It is time for a fresh start, a new day, a clean slate…Who are we

Leave what was behind, 7 Exit Tips to Get A Fresh Start!

A new year means a new start. But first we need to look at the ‘out with the old’ before we look at the ‘in with the new.’ Why not start the New Year with a clean slate? We all

Need Help?Let Jesus hand you 2 tools to Attract Supernatural Intervention!

Life can be trying, tiring and oftentimes very perplexing, but you don’t have to be held hostage or captive to trying, tiring and perplexing situations especially if Jesus Christ is Your Personal Lord And Savior.  He is always working, always

Trust Jesus with YOUR unanswered prayers, He’s doing something you can’t see yet!

Have you ever found yourself on your knees, pouring out your soul, desperately searching for a sign or an answer, only to be met with silence? Many of us feel an overwhelming sense of frustration when our prayers seem to

Jesus Is With You This Christmas and Always!

Because Christmas is here, you may be feeling a mix of emotions. For some, this time of year is filled with joy, warmth, and excitement. But for others, the holidays can be tough. Perhaps you’re dealing with financial struggles, a

Jesus can shine light on YOUR Christmas if it’s dark!

Have you ever tried to celebrate Christmas while you were going through a painful season of life? Perhaps things were so dark you literally felt like you were under the shadow of death? In Corrie Ten Boom’s book, Corrie’s Christmas Memories, she
