Tag Archives: Focus

Are You Spending Enough Time With Jesus?

As a follower of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you should be spending lots of quality time with Jesus every day if you want to see results from your prayers, significant growth, deliverance and the power of Jesus at

Is Jesus allowing Chaos and Confusion to Redirect You?

Sometimes life has a way of taking the life out of us. The Book of Joshua is in the Bible for such seasons. It dares us to believe our best days are ahead of us. God has a Promised Land

When The World Overwhelms You, Jesus Beckons you to Come!

One of our Soul Shepherding ministries is to guide pastors, pastors’ wives, and other leaders and caregivers in the practice of solitude and silence with Jesus. Today it’s probably the most important discipline we could ever practice when the problems

Life off Course? Are you in “The Rhythm”?

Here’s a quick exercise to try. For the next minute, list all the things God calls us to do with our lives. “Have faith”, you might say. Or pray. Or go into the world, befriend the lonely, heal the sick,

Do You need Jesus to help Get Your Life on Track?

Our lives appear always to be in a constant state of change. Happiness and frustration are never very far removed from each other. I have been away from the Psalms too long. David’s psalms come from many different places and

Jesus May Be Allowing Your Problems to Empower You!

Have you been encountering all kinds of difficulties, problems, setbacks or down right disgusting situations? Have you wondered what in the world could possibly be going on? Your problems may not have been allowed in your life randomly. What if,

When Life seems Hard, let Jesus change how you see it!

Times have been tough. The situations in which you may find yourself could be fraught with difficulties. And in moments of despair, tears could well up in your eyes. “What has happened to me?” you could ask. Your thoughts slide

You’ve Read And You’ve Heard, But Who Is Jesus To You?

When asked who Peter thought Jesus was, he replied: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus didn’t praise Peter for giving a smart answer. Yes, the Lord did bless Peter for sharing these words, but he

Want Divine Guidance in Choosing a Life Verse?

Your favorite Christian authors have one. Your friends at church do too. Even the pastor has one. A life verse. We hear about them all the time. Yet the idea of actually finding our own can seem overwhelming. For some

Give Jesus Your Problems..Ask Him to lead You to God’s plans!

The world we live in can be very stressful at times, wouldn’t you agree?  Especially when you have to listen to and deal with the world’s problems, your own problems, your friend’s problems and your family’s problems. With so many

Tired Of Where You Are? Here’s An Invitation For You!

“Lord, give me patience and give it to me right now!” This was a frequent prayer my mother spoke over me frequently in my boyhood years. This prayer may say more about me as a boy than it does about

3 Simple Prayers You Need to Pray Regularly As YOU Follow Jesus!

One of the most underestimated strengths in the Christian life is prayer. It is the way we communicate with the Maker of the Universe and He not only hears us, but He also responds. Through prayer we access healing, wisdom,
