Tag Archives: godsbailout

Jesus Can use your Burdens to create New Blessings!

In the midst of suffering and heartache, it is hard to imagine that one will come out better on the other side. Suffering, like many things in life, has dichotomous power: power to enslave and power to liberate; the power

Remain steadfast!

As we approach and celebrate the most significant event of all history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is important to know that Jesus knew His destiny. He knew He would die on a cross like a

Take the Next Step…

“Why am I doing this?” I asked myself. I was wet. I was cold. And there were nine miles to go. The weather forecast rain the rest of the day with no let-up. As Bob and I put on our hiking

Trust Jesus with YOUR unanswered prayers, He’s doing something you can’t see yet!

Have you ever found yourself on your knees, pouring out your soul, desperately searching for a sign or an answer, only to be met with silence? Many of us feel an overwhelming sense of frustration when our prayers seem to

Jesus Is With You This Christmas and Always!

Because Christmas is here, you may be feeling a mix of emotions. For some, this time of year is filled with joy, warmth, and excitement. But for others, the holidays can be tough. Perhaps you’re dealing with financial struggles, a

Ever wondered what Jesus would want for “His Birthday”?

I hope you’re having a happy holiday. It can be a lot. I know it can be a lot! I know that it can be really stressful! It’s crazy to think this all started as one guy’s birthday. One guy’s birthday,

Want An Easy Way to Change Negative Circumstances? Let Jesus Help!

When you first wake up, what pops into your mind? Do you start thinking about all the work you have to do? The emails you have to reply to, the pile of paperwork on your desk that has to be

When YOU don’t see “nothing” Jesus is still working!

It’s true that we all have our share of problems and struggles in life, but there’s one Person who can make a difference: Jesus Christ. It may be easy to forget this in the day-to-day pressures of life, but Jesus

Break free! Let Jesus help you overcome being Stuck!

Feeling stagnant in life is a common struggle that many people face, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent state. Regardless of the source of feeling stuck, finding a way to break free and move forward can seem daunting.

Tired? This may help!

In times of uncertainty, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel can be difficult. That’s why prayer is a powerful source of hope and comfort during these challenging times. Jesus prayed a lot. He found that communion with God can

No matter what, Jesus can help!

This one is for the brother or sister going through a rough patch. There are times when life becomes too heavy, too confusing, or too challenging and we simply fall apart. We do our best to hold it together which

When All else Fails, Jesus will Help you thru it!

If God hadn’t been there for me, I never would have made it. The minute I said, “I’m slipping, I’m falling,” your love, God, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me
