Tag Archives: jesus

Problems too much? “Invite Jesus to Meet You at “Your” Crossroads”!

In life, we all come to a point where it can seem like what we are going through becomes too heavy, the struggles seem to be too overwhelming plus exhausting, and the path ahead can seem clouded with uncertainty. But

You can Overcome Repeated Failures with the help of Jesus!

Have you ever felt like nothing you try seems to work? Do you find yourself at a crossroads, feeling tired, discouraged, or even broken? When you reach a point where everything you’ve done has failed repeatedly, it’s easy to lose

Sometimes For Things to Get Better, Jesus Lets Them Get Worse First!

Dear Friend and faithful blog reader, Are you tired of things as they are? Has life taken a turn for the worse, or are they really not any better, despite all your prayers, efforts, and faith? You may be finding

Tired of uncaring folks? Receive the courtesy of Christ!

Receive the courtesy of Christ. My wife has a heart for single moms. She loves to include them at the table when we go to a restaurant. Through the years, I’ve noticed a common appreciation from them, as well. They

When no 1 else can help, Jesus can!

Maybe it’s an illness or a broken relationship, the loss of a loved one or the aftermath of an accident, or perhaps it’s simply that all the pressures and demands of life are bearing down on you. There are plenty

If you try again, Jesus will try again!

Why do we limit our lives to the mundane of only what we can see? Why, oh why, do we cling to safety over being truly alive? “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on

Trust Jesus anyway!

One of the things I love about the Christmas season is its many reminders to focus our attention on Christ. To be sure, there is much these days to call our attention away from the Lord. As Thanksgiving approaches, there

Don’t worry, Jesus can help God Restore Time for you!

Have you ever wanted to turn back time? The truth is, time is something we never get back. Maybe this leaves you feeling regretful or sad about years that have been wasted or time not well spent on the things

Remember, Jesus said, “With God” all things are possible!

God has the power and ability to supernaturally turn things around. Every time He releases His turn around power in our direction, things will supernaturally turn around in our lives. “Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding

Weary in well doing? Let Jesus help!

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a relentless cycle, no matter how hard you try to break free? It’s as though you’re trapped in a never-ending storm, battling the swirling winds and relentless rain that refuses to let

Feeling Battered by Life? Jesus can help!

If you’re feeling completely worn down, discouraged, and ready to throw in the towel, we want you to know that Jesus sees you. He knows exactly how you’re feeling, and He cares more than you could ever imagine. Maybe you’re

Get energized! Let Jesus refeul you!

We have found that Life is full of ups and downs, good times and then not so good times but it is during the challenging times that we often find ourselves searching for help and guidance. In these moments, we
