Tag Archives: look

Troubled? 5 Strategies to Inspire You!

There are seasons in our lives when even existing feels like hard work. I have recently been through a period in which I felt bombarded from all sides: in relationships, in my health and in the health of those closest

Unhappy With Life? Don’t Be, Jesus Is working to bring what You Need!

Jesus had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things. (Mark 6:34) We live in a rural part of southern England and many of the fields near us are

If You Pray like Jesus You’ll get closer to Your God Given Purposes!

 Most of us pray at the time of crises like never before, don’t we? Yes we do, and we accept this fact, however, most of us never share this with anyone. But God knows it all, He knows we all tend to pray more when there

5 Bible Verses About Healing for You!

The human spirit has been through tough times. It’s seen the Black Plague, it’s overcome the Great Fire of London, it has lived through two World Wars, it has witnessed that fateful day of 9/11, etc. The human spirit has

~Jesus Does Respond to what has been bothering you eventually!

Have ou ever turned to the Psalms during a time of emotional turmoil? Most believers have found comfort in this book because the descriptive prose seems to give voice to what they are feeling. Many of us have favorite psalms—perhaps

Want Divine Guidance in Choosing a Life Verse?

Your favorite Christian authors have one. Your friends at church do too. Even the pastor has one. A life verse. We hear about them all the time. Yet the idea of actually finding our own can seem overwhelming. For some

Pray like Jesus, get Jesus sized results

Sometimes we just don’t know where to start or how to pray. At times like that, we have lots of resources to turn to in the Word. Paul’s prayer for his friends in Phillipi is a beautiful and comprehensive prayer

The World is Waiting For You To Make A Difference! Will You?

He sat in front of me with urgency in his eyes and tear streaks on his cheeks. He spoke about his gut-level desire to make a difference in the lives of children. His emotion moved me because he was a

Give Jesus Your Problems..Ask Him to lead You to God’s plans!

The world we live in can be very stressful at times, wouldn’t you agree?  Especially when you have to listen to and deal with the world’s problems, your own problems, your friend’s problems and your family’s problems. With so many

3 Simple Prayers You Need to Pray Regularly As YOU Follow Jesus!

One of the most underestimated strengths in the Christian life is prayer. It is the way we communicate with the Maker of the Universe and He not only hears us, but He also responds. Through prayer we access healing, wisdom,

If You’re Looking For Jesus, Don’t Look in The GraveYard!

We have Good news For You from the graveyard! We know That’s a strange place for good news,  But that’s what Easter is all about. If you’re looking for Jesus this Easter, don’t look in the graveyard. He isn’t there.

The Silence Of Saturday…..

As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him. Joseph took the
