Tag Archives: minister

From Rubble to Roadway! Trade what you have for what Jesus has!

Dear friend, today we gather to reflect on a powerful truth: that Jesus can take the rubble of our lives—the trials, the heartaches, the disappointments, the setbacks, the unforseen circumstances and stuff that just ain’t right—and transform them into a

When you can’t, Jesus can!

If you’ve been having a hard time of it lately, try not to sweat the small stuff, cause you are not at the mercy of how you life is right now, cause “Jesus can fix what’s broken, heal what is

Unhappy? Dissatisfied? Let Jesus Make New Ways for You!

Do you find yourself feeling trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction? You are not alone. Many of us walk this weary road, burdened by struggles, engulfed in frustration, and hungry for solutions that seem just out of reach. You may

Jesus is working in Your Circumstances even if You See No Change!

Dear friend, we know life can be difficult. We know the toll it takes when you’ve prayed, believed, and stepped out in faith, yet the circumstances around you remain unchanged. You have faithfully given your time, your money, your service,

Trust Jesus to show YOU the way!

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19, NLT  Every year I pray

Need Help?

When Jesus started His ministry, it was difficult for people to see Him as anything more than a carpenter. His family, neighbors, and friends watched Him grow up making and fixing things. Back then, “Jesus the Rabbi” took a little

What Do You Want Jesus To Do for You?

How would you respond to that question? It’s an inviting question, especially when the Son of God is asking it. Jesus asked two of His disciples, “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Mark 10:36 NKJV*). They had no

Are The Odds against YOU? Let Jesus HELP!

I am not an advocate of gambling associated with professional horse racing, but I have always been intrigued by the sport. It is referred to as “the fastest two minutes in sports.” Every year, horse breeders from the United Sates

When Chaos is Evident, Turn To Jesus!

The first Christmas. Such a peaceful night, with stars shining brightly. The new family nestled in the barn surrounded by the animals. Angels heralding his birth. Wise men bowing low before him. It was the perfect scene, calm and serene,
