Tag Archives: Ministry

Need help? Jesus’s spiritual renewal changes things!

In today’s fast-paced world, it can sometimes feel as though we are burdened by old problems that never truly leave us. Whether they manifest as personal struggles, societal issues, or existential questions, these difficulties can sap our energy and hope.

You’ve Read And You’ve Heard, But Who Is Jesus To You?

When asked who Peter thought Jesus was, he replied: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus didn’t praise Peter for giving a smart answer. Yes, the Lord did bless Peter for sharing these words, but he

Tired? Find Renewal in Christ!

We live in a world where tireless effort and constant productivity are highly valued. We are encouraged to keep pushing, to strive for success, and to always be on the move. Sometimes, though, this relentless pursuit and constant busyness, it

Partner with Jesus! Get Miracles in “Your” deserts!

Imagine struggling to crawl through a scorched desert, exhausted and desperately thirsty. But just ahead looms the towering wall of an immense dam! Behind it are millions of gallons of pure water in a sparkling lake, surrounded by beautiful trees

Jesus wants to meet YOU In Problems you tired of!

Remember when the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee and a storm struck? (Read Matthew 14.) The wind and waves began in the evening and continued all night long. Meanwhile, Jesus was on a mountaintop praying, far away from

Lemons: A Sweet Symphony of Faith!

Life has a peculiar way of surprising us with unexpected challenges, often leaving us feeling bitter and disheartened. We all know the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” but how exactly do we find the strength and inspiration

Need More Help? Don’t Worry…Jesus Always Has A Plan!

A number of people today are in a desperate place in their lives. You may even be one of them. Are you in need of a financial miracle? Many are strapped financially or are in need of salvation for another

Change your life! Connect with Jesus!

Can I really know Jesus? Life can turn on a dime. Circumstances, events, people, words of a song, a movie, or moment of introspection can change us forever. Sometimes that life-altering turn comes because of what appears to be a

Unleash Your Inner Warrior! Tap into Jesus’s Strength to Conquer Battles!

Life can be challenging at times, and we all face battles that require strength and resilience to conquer. Fortunately, as believers in Jesus, we have access to an inner warrior and the strength of Jesus that can help us overcome

The World is Waiting For You To Make A Difference! Will You?

He sat in front of me with urgency in his eyes and tear streaks on his cheeks. He spoke about his gut-level desire to make a difference in the lives of children. His emotion moved me because he was a

Give Jesus your struggles, let Jesus give you strength!

In our fast-paced and often overwhelming world, it’s not uncommon to feel tired, weighed down by struggles, and even hopeless at times. The pressures of daily life can leave us depleted, searching for strength to carry on. But what if

Find Strength in Jesus When Weariness and problems Persist!”

At times, life may seem hopeless, tiring and worrisome. No matter how hard you attempt to improve the situation, it remains unchanged. If this is currently true in your life; there is no need to give up! This post explains
