Tag Archives: miracle

Unhappy With Life? Don’t Be, Jesus Is working to bring what You Need!

Jesus had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things. (Mark 6:34) We live in a rural part of southern England and many of the fields near us are

Want Your prayers to be effective? Pray like Jesus!

Do you want to know how to pray like Jesus and have your prayers be more effective and more in line with God’s plans for your life? You may have figured out that if you’re going to pray, you do want

Maybe Christ Wants YOU to have More Than Just A Feeling!

The pastor said, “If you’re like me, you …” Then he described his feelings that closely reflected my own. I was surprised to think my experience might be common. When I was new at the church my husband and I now

Today Could Be The Day Jesus Answers Your Prayers?He May Be Listening…You Praying?

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to either not receive the answer that you were hoping for or prayed and prayed only to wonder if God or Jesus was even listening to you? Do you wonder if Your prayers really matter to

If you are fed up or tired, Jesus invites you to pray again!

Jesus Christ, God’s one and only son walked this earth for 33 years and from the very beginning of His life, He had it rough. He was born without sin to virgin Mary in deplorable conditions in a stable that

Who will Thank Jesus This Thanksgiving?

When my youngest son, Stedmon, was small, before each meal he would ask, “Who’ll say grace?” I always responded, “I think this is a good day for Stedmon to say grace.” My oldest son, Steven would usually respond, “I’ll say

Want A Strategy To Get Results? Let Jesus Guide You!

Careful planning and hard work are vital, but they have limits. Zerubbabel had an impossible job. So do you, life can be tough and so can building a business or trying to manage your life or your family.  Zerubbabel  had

If Jesus Asked You To Follow Him…Would You Follow?

People seemed to follow Jesus wherever He went – to towns and villages, hills and mountainsides, streets and synagogues. Perhaps most went after Him to see the miracles and healings. Many might have been curious about his teachings. Some may

Need help? Jesus Has A Prayer For YOU!

Why re-invent the wheel? Sometimes the Book of Psalms is the only prayer resource we need. Psalm 143 is one to turn to when you are feeling overwhelmed by a trial. Use it today as your template for prayer. Start

Seeking God For Help? Here’s A Prayer To Help You!

Things looked bleak. Israel was under siege by the mighty army of Aram. There seemed no way out. Elisha the Prophet and his servant both recognized the same real problem; but they had opposite reactions. The servant froze hopeless in

If Problems have exhausted you-Turn to Jesus!

As the year continues, let’s all hope that it brings lots of joy and no sorrows. Let’s all hope that things will all get better for us all! Amen?  Even though we may want that, we’ve learned that Nobody is

When Life seems Hard, let Jesus change how you see it!

Times have been tough. The situations in which you may find yourself could be fraught with difficulties. And in moments of despair, tears could well up in your eyes. “What has happened to me?” you could ask. Your thoughts slide
