Tag Archives: others

Jesus Wants To Help You Overcome 4 Forces That Destroy Relationships!

Scan the magazine racks at the checkout today. Look at their endless headlines of who has found love, lost love, and their Top 10 lists of how to lure love and make love. Look at the movies we watch, the

Troubled? 5 Strategies to Inspire You!

There are seasons in our lives when even existing feels like hard work. I have recently been through a period in which I felt bombarded from all sides: in relationships, in my health and in the health of those closest

Have we missed who Jesus is altogether?

One of the defining marks over time between denominations in the Christian world is how we interpret the Bible — the words and teachings of Jesus — and how we decipher his stories and actions. Today we’re examining Jesus’ life

If You Pray like Jesus You’ll get closer to Your God Given Purposes!

 Most of us pray at the time of crises like never before, don’t we? Yes we do, and we accept this fact, however, most of us never share this with anyone. But God knows it all, He knows we all tend to pray more when there

Following Jesus Is Easier When You Do This! 5 Ways to Get Started!

I’ve always been amazed by Jesus’ response to Satan’s first temptation: “if you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread” (Matthew 4:3). I picture Jesus there, looking at the stones. His ribs are poking

You’ve Read And You’ve Heard, But Who Is Jesus To You?

When asked who Peter thought Jesus was, he replied: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus didn’t praise Peter for giving a smart answer. Yes, the Lord did bless Peter for sharing these words, but he

Ready To Get Out Of The Boat Yet?

Jesus said to the cripple he had just cured, “pick up your mat and walk”. To the prostitute, “go forth and sin no more”. To his fishermen disciples, “throw your nets into the water.” Jesus´ministry is one of action, of

Want Divine Guidance in Choosing a Life Verse?

Your favorite Christian authors have one. Your friends at church do too. Even the pastor has one. A life verse. We hear about them all the time. Yet the idea of actually finding our own can seem overwhelming. For some

Need More Help? Don’t Worry…Jesus Always Has A Plan!

A number of people today are in a desperate place in their lives. You may even be one of them. Are you in need of a financial miracle? Many are strapped financially or are in need of salvation for another

The World is Waiting For You To Make A Difference! Will You?

He sat in front of me with urgency in his eyes and tear streaks on his cheeks. He spoke about his gut-level desire to make a difference in the lives of children. His emotion moved me because he was a

3 Scriptures that may lead to healing!

Need physical healing? God wants you well. Jesus Christ bore all your sicknesses, diseases, pain and all your physical problems upon Himself on the Cross so you could be healed. God’s answer to your problem is found in His manual

When Life is Bad, Jesus Wants To Help!

During times of cascading badness, friends sometimes need to believe for those caught in the crush of seriously bad stuff. Life can be crushing. Some people seem to get more than their fair share of the crush than others —
