Tag Archives: Pray

If you try again, Jesus will try again!

Why do we limit our lives to the mundane of only what we can see? Why, oh why, do we cling to safety over being truly alive? “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on

If you are fed up or tired, Jesus invites you to pray again!

Jesus Christ, God’s one and only son walked this earth for 33 years and from the very beginning of His life, He had it rough. He was born without sin to virgin Mary in deplorable conditions in a stable that

Missing Joy in Your Life? Let Jesus show you how to get it!

Since we’ve been talking about a new start, I’ve found that it is necessary to have joy in your life as you wait on God to create and give you your new start. Jesus, the son of God always made

Who will Thank Jesus This Thanksgiving?

When my youngest son, Stedmon, was small, before each meal he would ask, “Who’ll say grace?” I always responded, “I think this is a good day for Stedmon to say grace.” My oldest son, Steven would usually respond, “I’ll say

You deserve joy this thanksgiving! Jesus can help!

WIN International Ministries’s team prays that you had a safe, happy and blessed Thanksgiving! God is good! Jesus is good! Life is still worth living!  God’s best is still yet to come! May the joy of this Thanksgiving run deeper than the people you are with, the holiday you celebrate, and the food you eat. May

10 Bible Verses Jesus Wants YOU To have About Hope!

Hope is one of the core elements of the Christian faith. It’s a desiring of things that we can’t understand how they will happen, but want them to. It gives us courage and confidence in moving forward. It provides encouragement

Jesus Learned that Prayer Was NOT all about Him, Have you?

“Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people. Think of your place and privilege in Christ,

Trust Jesus anyway!

One of the things I love about the Christmas season is its many reminders to focus our attention on Christ. To be sure, there is much these days to call our attention away from the Lord. As Thanksgiving approaches, there

Remember, Jesus said, “With God” all things are possible!

God has the power and ability to supernaturally turn things around. Every time He releases His turn around power in our direction, things will supernaturally turn around in our lives. “Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding

5 Ways You Have Power in the Name of Jesus!

When we call a person by their name, we are, in a sense, proclaiming the meaning behind that name as well. Perhaps this is why God renamed several of His children throughout the Bible to one that was more fitting for the

Be encouraged, ~cause Christ has given you benefits and privileges!!

If you are struggling to believe good things about yourself, you are not alone. Most of us at one time or another are plagued with negative thoughts like, “I’m not good enough… I can never truly be forgiven,” or “I

Have You Grown Tired as YOU try to Follow Jesus?

We first start bragging about it in high school: I am so tired. In college, it just goes with the territory. “How are you?” “Tired.” Then you get married, have babies, and there it is again – this time on
