Tag Archives: Scripture

Jesus Wants to give you another chance to Offload your burdens!

Main Text: Matthew 11:28-29 Main Point: We can offload our burdens on to God. He can definitely handle them. Outline: Knowing Where to Go Knowing What to Do Knowing What Is Yours   A truck driver passed a group of

Mary-Mother of Jesus qualified for The Extraordinary,Do You?

The bible has recorded many actions and stories of great women. Stories of loyalty, obedience, disobedience, and disloyalty to God. Recently, I portrayed the angel Gabriel in our church production. I delivered the news to Mary about her being with

Today Could Be The Day Jesus Answers Your Prayers?He May Be Listening…You Praying?

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to either not receive the answer that you were hoping for or prayed and prayed only to wonder if God or Jesus was even listening to you? Do you wonder if Your prayers really matter to

Jesus can bring hope out of ruin!

Devastation, chaos—the world as you know it suddenly is turned upside down. That is what happened to those hit by Hurricane Ian. Everything they worked for, their life savings, and their homes all destroyed. A city lay in ruins. We

Don’t worry, Jesus can help God Restore Time for you!

Have you ever wanted to turn back time? The truth is, time is something we never get back. Maybe this leaves you feeling regretful or sad about years that have been wasted or time not well spent on the things

Remember, Jesus said, “With God” all things are possible!

God has the power and ability to supernaturally turn things around. Every time He releases His turn around power in our direction, things will supernaturally turn around in our lives. “Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding

5 Ways You Have Power in the Name of Jesus!

When we call a person by their name, we are, in a sense, proclaiming the meaning behind that name as well. Perhaps this is why God renamed several of His children throughout the Bible to one that was more fitting for the

Need help understanding Bible Verses?

An important part of living the life of a true Christian is reading the Scriptures. The Scriptures itself is divided into two main sections, the two biggest portions: the Old Testament, which discusses the Lord’s prophets and their wisdom and

Get energized! Let Jesus refeul you!

We have found that Life is full of ups and downs, good times and then not so good times but it is during the challenging times that we often find ourselves searching for help and guidance. In these moments, we

Frustrated or Tired? Is Your Life Like Paul’s?

I thought I knew him. I’ve followed his ministry. And over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time reading his writings. But recently I realized I didn’t know as much about the Apostle Paul as I thought. While studying

Jesus’s got a plan!

It’s not often that you embark on a journey without knowing where you are going, is it? When I travel somewhere, I usually like to know the route I am going to take to get there, how long it is

Jesus Prayer – Your prayers!

To touch the broken as Jesus did, I must learn to pray as Jesus prayed! Go into any Christian bookstore, and you will find a whole batch of books on prayer. If you survey most ministers and pastors, nearly all
