Your life can be really dark without Jesus!

In the physical realm we have only two halves to the day, light and darkness, and similarly in the spiritual realm, there are only two halves, light and darkness. There are no grey areas. Nowhere in the scriptures is it suggested that there might be a third way, a middle road, called “Possibly”. With Jesus, it is impossible to half-accept him. Either you are wholeheartedly in love with Him and stand squarely in the light, or you are abandoned to the darkness.
You know where you are by two things: firstly the circumstances you are in, and secondly the way you feel in your heart. For Jesus as Lord of our lives operates in both deed and spirit. It is possible to be in what appear as dire straits but still feel the love of Jesus carrying you through. But if you are in dire straits and feel nothing but loathing and fear, you are in spiritual darkness. For Jesus said in John 12:46 “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”
No one who believes need stay in darkness. If you had been on the Titanic and the ship was sinking, would you have stayed on the ship if a lifeboat was offered to you? So when society is dragging you down by the weight of its corruption, why not take the lifeboat that Jesus offers You? Every generation has been corrupt. It was in Jesus’ day, and it is in ours. There is a spirit of greed, of gluttony and of lasciviousness that sweeps through every society. And it is a spirit which leaves you crying with frustration because, like walking around a room without a light on, it is nothing but a blind chase after shadows. Do not be like those Isaiah describes: “He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts.” – John 12:40
Before you were introduced to Jesus Christ You might have thought you could go it alone for a while, especially when you are young and energetic, but sooner or later, you find out how rough, tough and unfair life can be and it is usually then that you might begin to realize that if you’re going to make it in this life you are going to need the life boat that Jesus offers you when He becomes Your personal Lord and Savior. Having Jesus Christ as Your personal Lord and Savior doesn’t mean you won’t have any problems, it means that your problems won’t have you. Jesus will shine the light for you and show you the way to go and He will work in and through all of your circumstances to bring about the best life for you according to the plan of our father God! With Jesus shining the light showing you the way to go, it will be impossible to mess up your life. Every step takes you closer to the eternal light of the father, and joy everlasting.
-Milton Johanides
Haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, it’s not too late? If you want to invite Jesus Christ to become Your personal Lord and Savior or renew your relationship with Him join us in this simple prayer;
Dear God,
Thank you for making available to me the opportunity to invite your one and only son Jesus Christ into my life to become my personal Lord and Savior. I do want to accept or renew my invitation to Jesus Christ to come into my life and into my heart to become my personal Lord and Savior. I ask you Father God to forgive me of my sins and my shortcomings and blot out my transgressions and remember my sins no more. I surrender my life to Jesus Christ and invite Him to take control of my life and shine the light for me on the ways that I should go, I ask and pray – Amen!