Tag Archives: sick

From Rubble to Roadway! Trade what you have for what Jesus has!

Dear friend, today we gather to reflect on a powerful truth: that Jesus can take the rubble of our lives—the trials, the heartaches, the disappointments, the setbacks, the unforseen circumstances and stuff that just ain’t right—and transform them into a

Jesus can bring hope out of ruin!

Devastation, chaos—the world as you know it suddenly is turned upside down. That is what happened to those hit by Hurricane Ian. Everything they worked for, their life savings, and their homes all destroyed. A city lay in ruins. We

Jesus Prayer – Your prayers!

To touch the broken as Jesus did, I must learn to pray as Jesus prayed! Go into any Christian bookstore, and you will find a whole batch of books on prayer. If you survey most ministers and pastors, nearly all

Troubled? Try Praise!

One summer afternoon in Denver, my friend Risa and I sat in a park watching our daughters skate. Christine, Jennifer, and Laura relished the freedom of having wheels under their feet and plenty of room to race the wind. As

Jesus can help with “Your full baskets!

“And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes” (Mark 6:43 KJV). We see in Scripture the phrase “baskets full” five times. Each time it’s used, it follows something having been broken. In each case, the

YOU are blessed, “YOUR sour situations” teach you how Jesus works!

Have you ever found yourself wading through the murky waters of life’s most unpleasant experiences? Perhaps you’re wrestling with a persistent sickness, facing utter brokenness, or trying to navigate through the labyrinth of exhaustion that life has thrust upon you.

Christ has made you new!

Jesus is the Way Maker, Miracle Work, and Promise Keeper (Leeland, Waymaker) and He has worked a miracle in you! As a believer, you are a new creation in Christ. Jesus paid the price for your sin and made a

Is what you need Impossible?

When you know that you know that you have done all that you can in “certain” situations”, it can be hard to know what to do! It can be hard to even wanna try again especially if you have been

Maybe you just need peace!

It’s a search that drives men, women and nations to great extremes — the search for peace. So much of our time, energy and resources are consumed with trying to find and keep peace with family members, friends and neighbors.

Come Lord Jesus!

The term 9-11 is something we have all come to recognize as a sad remembrance in the USA’s history. It’s a reminder of how quickly our lives can be here today, and then gone tomorrow. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of people
