Tag Archives: Those

Ever Wonder Why Jesus had to Suffer For You?

The closest followers of Jesus were totally devastated. “We had hoped….”, but those hopes were dashed. “Could not he who…?” but he had not, and there was nothing they could do about it. “If you are… save yourself!” but he

With Christ Your Future is Bright!

Dear Rev. Graham: I’m concerned about my husband. He’s always been very positive and active, but since having open heart surgery several months ago, he’s turned grumpy and depressed. He even says he thinks God has abandoned him. How can

Even Jesus God Mad at God…How about You?

Do you ever get mad at God? Has something ever happened to you or to someone that you love that  has made you “really” mad at God? Are your current circumstances either making you mad or making you question just

Don’t think Jesus Saves?Listen to Sheena!

If you know of anyone running from God or know of anyone who thinks that God doesn’t or can’t save no matter what the circumstances may be, listening to Sheena powerful testimony will help change their mind.  Saved by God’s

Jesus wants to Prepare You for God’s Deliverance!

Once you become saved and born again, the Bible tells us that we have now become new creations in Jesus Christ. All things have been made new. Our slates are now wiped clean and we now have a brand new

Is your christian walk like Jesus?

Have you heard of or read the teachings of Jesus Christ? If you have studied the life of Jesus at all or heard about the life of Jesus Christ at all then you may have come to realize that Jesus

EaseDrop on this conversation – Learn Where You are!

I teach at Christian Leadership University. While teaching one of my seminars I felt a sense of confusion and discomfort as I was preparing to get ready to teach. The topic I was teaching about was about being a vessel

Jesus wants to clue You in on why You’re Here!

Have you ever wondered,  why you are here? Do you ever wonder what in the world was God thinking when He created you? Have you ever asked yourself, what purpose is there to life?  If you don’t know what God

Watch out for the Spirit of Greed!

The sin of greed is mischievous. It is one of those grave sins we barely notice. You could be a greedy person and you do not know it and worse, you could be a Christian who is greedy and not

Living life as Jesus!

This Christian article is all about Jesus Christ’s life on earth in the beginning. Jesus recognized His relation to God, at the age of twelve years saying to His earthly parents, “Did you not know that I must be in

A Bible Verse Finder Can Reveal Bible Messages That Corresponds to Your Birthday!

Performing an Internet inquiry for the term, “bible verse finder” or “bible scripture search” can produce countless biblical results and resources, such as reading plans, study tools, community forums, encouraging and inspirational bible verses for daily living, or messages about different topics of

Jesus’ love for you

  I love Christ, he is the most important man in history. Everyone knows about Jesus, and when we see a church somewhere, the first thing we think is the humility and love that Christ has for mankind. Let us
