Tag Archives: Tired

Are You Tired or Stressed? Can Jesus Help?

If you are stressed, you should read this — but don’t let it stress you out. In the high-speed, wired, always-reachable 21st century America we live in, chronic stress is very hard to avoid. The American Psychological Association finds year

Tired? Maybe Jesus Is Trying To Tell You Something!

Building intentional community and meaningful relationships are phrases that are drilled into us as Christians. We’re told that they are a vital part of bringing God’s kingdom to earth, and integral to his plan to make all things new. Hit-and-run

Jesus’s got a plan!

It’s not often that you embark on a journey without knowing where you are going, is it? When I travel somewhere, I usually like to know the route I am going to take to get there, how long it is

Perhaps Jesus is Using Your Trials To Spur You To Greatness!

  “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambitions inspired, and success achieved.” – Helen Keller When we think of people we admire, and desire

Jesus Prayer – Your prayers!

To touch the broken as Jesus did, I must learn to pray as Jesus prayed! Go into any Christian bookstore, and you will find a whole batch of books on prayer. If you survey most ministers and pastors, nearly all

As God Makes changes in our world,Do You need Jesus’s help?

Do you want Jesus to deliver you from low, barren, stuck, bad or tight places? Are you tired of going through the same old thing day in and day out and feel as though you are not getting any results

Want A Strategy To Get Results? Let Jesus Guide You!

Careful planning and hard work are vital, but they have limits. Zerubbabel had an impossible job. So do you, life can be tough and so can building a business or trying to manage your life or your family.  Zerubbabel  had

Christ can”still” help you get Victory!

Dear friend, if you’ve stumbled upon this article, it’s likely that you’re feeling trapped in a cycle of distraction, destruction, depression, and discouragement. The weight of life’s problems may have left you exhausted, making every day feel like a battle. But

Weary from Warfare? 10 ways to make it through!

Sometimes it might feels like we’re all being attacked from all sides — and indeed we are. Ephesians 2:2-3a mentions three sources of attacks: “this world … the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Satan) … the cravings of

Jesus! The Lord Of Fresh Starts!

Wouldn’t life be better if we could have a fresh start after making a mess of things? Years ago while on vacation, I woke up one morning, took my Bible, grabbed my breakfast, and went outside on the back porch.

Troubled? Try Praise!

One summer afternoon in Denver, my friend Risa and I sat in a park watching our daughters skate. Christine, Jennifer, and Laura relished the freedom of having wheels under their feet and plenty of room to race the wind. As

Jesus can help with “Your full baskets!

“And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes” (Mark 6:43 KJV). We see in Scripture the phrase “baskets full” five times. Each time it’s used, it follows something having been broken. In each case, the
