When you first wake up, what pops into your mind? Do you start thinking about all the work you have to do? The emails you have to reply to, the pile of paperwork on your desk that has to be
Can you even imagine how much of a game changer it would be if, as you drove the kids to soccer, did laundry, walked to third period, led a staff meeting, ran on the treadmill,or waited to fall asleep, you
God perched His grace on a tree of torture in the middle of humanity’s worst abuses so that grace would be available to everyone… even you! We like grace when it is extended to us. Why do we sometimes dislike
The pastor said, “If you’re like me, you …” Then he described his feelings that closely reflected my own. I was surprised to think my experience might be common. When I was new at the church my husband and I now
Here are three things that Satan will use in attacking you. Using Your Family Many years ago when I was saved, my family accused me of being brainwashed. I told them, “Yes, I was brainwashed–washed by the blood of the Lamb.”
Let me give you one of the most beautiful statements ever uttered: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) As a young girl, I remember seeing an especially
A while back, my three-year-old granddaughter, Grace, faced a harsh disturbance. No, she didn’t come down with any sickness, nor did she break a bone. Neither had her brothers taken her toys, heaven forbid. This time, Grace was denying passage into
When we call a person by their name, we are, in a sense, proclaiming the meaning behind that name as well. Perhaps this is why God renamed several of His children throughout the Bible to one that was more fitting for the
If God hadn’t been there for me, I never would have made it. The minute I said, “I’m slipping, I’m falling,” your love, God, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me
Wouldn’t life be better if we could have a fresh start after making a mess of things? Years ago while on vacation, I woke up one morning, took my Bible, grabbed my breakfast, and went outside on the back porch.
One summer afternoon in Denver, my friend Risa and I sat in a park watching our daughters skate. Christine, Jennifer, and Laura relished the freedom of having wheels under their feet and plenty of room to race the wind. As
We all go through times when we feel afraid; whether it’s anxiety about the future, or real fear about a certain situation, but if you’ve made Read More »
On January 13, 1982, Air Florida Flight 90 crashed into the Potomac River shortly after takeoff, killing all but five of the 79 people on board. Read More »
Life has a peculiar way of surprising us with unexpected challenges, often leaving us feeling bitter and disheartened. We all know the phrase, “When life gives Read More »
“The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his hands.” John 3:35 The Father believes in His Son enough to trust Him with everything, Read More »
Dear Child of Grace, You have been blessed with grace because of the Father’s love (John 3:16-18; Colossians 1:12-14). That grace was embodied by My coming Read More »
Need help? Allow Jesus to help change your mind so your circumstances can change!