Tag Archives: wendy

Need help? Let Jesus show you the way!

I am reminded of a story I once heard about a cruise ship out to sea that was met with a deadly storm. The storm violently tossed and turned the cruise ship, knocking it off course. The ship’s passengers were

If it’s Not working, Let Jesus Help YOU change!

Can you even imagine how much of a game changer it would be if, as you drove the kids to soccer, did laundry, walked to third period, led a staff meeting, ran on the treadmill,or waited to fall asleep, you

Jesus can help make the most of your time!

Jesus is Full of surprising opportunities, fresh hope, and new life. Consciousness of time jumped dramatically in the eighth century when Pope Paul I gave the Frankish King Pepin the Short a water clock that operated an alarm. The clock,

As You Follow Jesus, Expect Grace!

God perched His grace on a tree of torture in the middle of humanity’s worst abuses so that grace would be available to everyone… even you! We like grace when it is extended to us. Why do we sometimes dislike

What’s in your abalster box?

Once there was a woman whose sins were many, yet her love for Jesus outweighed them all. We read her story in Luke 7:36-50. She heard Jesus was there and nothing else mattered. She paid no attention to the Pharisees. She

Are You Burnt Out, Bored, and Barely Rested?

When I began working full-time earlier this year, I struggled with the long hours and intense work. Having been a student pretty much all my life, adjusting to the transition of #adulting was—and still is—painful. As a TV journalist working

Are YOU On The Verge Of Giving Up?

Remember that Jesus is beside you. Let Him help. My husband and I recently went to Disney World with our children and grandchildren. We had a wonderful time and made lots of sweet memories together, but unexpectedly, I discovered several

Jesus Wants To Help YOU avoid The Consequences of Drifting!

Hebrews 3:12-13 Spiritual drifting–the gradual wandering away from God and His will–takes place when a believer ceases to steer toward the Lord. Like an empty boat set loose upon the waters, he or she makes a slow and lazy glide

Change What is, Let Jesus Show up!

The young man was enthusiastic, energetic, and highly motivated. He was determined to stand true to his leader regardless of the cost. Confident in his own ability, he boasted, “Even if all the others desert you, I will never!” Yet,

Could Jesus be allowing Your problems to get you to switch off Autopilot?

The human brain is a strange and wonderful thing. Does your brain ever switch over to autopilot? Mine does. There have been times when I’ve driven home from work and not really remembered the journey. I got there safely, but

Jesus Has An Offer For YOU!

You need not be afraid, YOU need not worry, and you need not fret. Because Jesus understands and He even knows the numbers of hairs on your head. Jesus understands that you may be tired, disgusted, unsure and fed up

Problems? Could it Be that You are Not where Jesus Wants?

But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. Job 32:8 (NIV) Years ago I made a decision to drop out of college. Then a young mom with two children and one
