Can We Really Predict The Return Of Christ?

There was a lot of noise recently about Christ returning on May 21st 2011. And yet, May 21st 2011 came and went. This isn’t the first time this has happened. Even few years someone comes along and claims to know the day Christ is returning. Even the man who predicted the May 21st return had previously predicted Christ’s returnin the 1980’s. And we are already hearing about the end of the world in 2012 due to the Mayan Calendar.
This brings up the question; can we really predict when Christ will return? Can we pridict other events?
Whatever dates or timing I am hearing in my Spirit from the Holy Spirit are always subject to the Lord changing His mind (based on my heart condition or that of others) and possibly lengthening my waiting time or completely dispensing with the fulfillment (as in the case of Jonah) for higher reasons. So even though some dates did work in Scripture (Gen. 18:10; Isa 38:5 confirmed by 38:22ff; Jer. 25:12 confirmed by Dan. 9:2; Dan. 9:25ff.), I recommend we steer clear of seeking dates for when things will happen, because of the following reasons:
– I have found God always says, “trust me”
– I have found that when I push for a date, I get a date, but the dates are wrong. I suspect it is praying with an idol in my heart.
– The OT prophets could not ascertain the date of Jesus’ coming, even though they sought it earnestly.
– We are told not to date the Lords next return.
– In the Bible even when accurate dates were obtained from the Lord, they still proved to be wrong – Jonah got a date from the Lord of 40 days for the destruction of Nineveh, and since they repented, God changed his mind which proves that everything God says is dependent upon man’s response, and thus all dates are in flux – Ezek 33:13-16 and Jer. 18:7-10 (every date you have felt you received from the Lord concerning the release of Omega has not been right, so that may be an example of these verses.)
– People blow apart their faith and their walk in God when dates don’t come to pass as they expected, so it is very dangerous for people to pursue dates.
I suspect mature profits, operating in the office of a prophet, can get accurate dates. However, for the rest of us, I believe we should hold very lightly any date which we feel we have received from the Holy Spirit.
Mark Virkler is with Christian Leadership University. CLU is a Christian University and Online Bible College offering Christian education including Christian counseling and Christian theology seminaries and offers certificates, undergrad, Masters, and Doctorates in the various Christian colleges of CLU.