Jesus Christ is a chain breaker!Want His Help?

Do you want Jesus to deliver you from low, barren, stuck, bad or tight places? Are you tired of going through the same old thing day in and day out and feel as though you are not getting any results or Do You feel that your situations not “Really” changing? If any of that describes you, Jesus Christ beckons you to take a bold leap of faith and walk out of your comfort zones, and become willing to seek, pursue and claim the Success, better places, and plans that God has for your life. Jesus Christ wants to help break the chains of whatever you think or feel is holding you down or holding you back. Won’t you seek His help in setting You Free?
It has often been said that “Hard Times” require “Higher Knowledge” and different strategies because problems that exist on one level cannot be solved on the same level that they developed on. Solving “Hard Times” often require even more fervent prayer, such as prayers that routs demons, prayers that break spiritual strongholds and prayers that disengage and disarm dark rulers in high places. To obtain such boldness in prayer, oftentimes you have to pray like everything depends on God and then you have to work like everything all depends on you.
Come, sneak away from it all. Unplug your T.V., turn off your cell phone and disengage from your email or anything that would distract you from this message, Sit with Jesus For a while because changing your life is worth it. Listen as Dr. Cindy Trimm ushers You into the presence of God so that God will come into your situations to help bring about what only He can. Allow this prophetic intercession and spiritual warfare prayer by Dr. Cindy Trimm to permeate throughout Your atmospheres to bring about Your much needed changes! Be energized, refreshed and revived as the Spirit of God moves and the Power of God’s word envelopes you in the warm cocoon of His Mighty Word!
Written by,
-Evangelist Wendy Evans
To God Be The Glory!