Today Could Be The Day Jesus Answers Your Prayers?He May Be Listening…You Praying?

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to either not receive the answer that you were hoping for or prayed and prayed only to wonder if God or Jesus was even listening to you? Do you wonder if Your prayers really matter to God? If you walk with God long enough at some point and time you will wonder if your prayers matters, if God heard you of if God remembers what He promised you as a result of your prayers. Jesus understands your frustrations if you have been praying and praying and it seems like things are really not getting any better or if the turnaround or the new doors that you wanted opened are really not happening for you. But what if He decided that right now could be a defining moment for you? Would you pray again? What if He decided to wipe your slate clean and give you a new chance to pray right now with Him listening and agreeing to not only hear your prayers but do something about your prayers to answer them? Would you take this opportunity to pray like you’ve never prayed before? What would you pray for? What would you want?
Most folks who have grown up in Christian homes have been exposed to prayer, maybe even taught to pray, but what we have found is that most folks get tired of praying when it seems like their prayers are either not answered or not working. Jesus understood that most of His prayers did not receive instantaneous answers but He kept praying. If His prayers did not receive instantaneous answers, it is not unusual for your prayers to be taking a long time to get answered as well or to seem like your prayer may not be working. We have found that oftentimes people give up praying right before their answers to prayer comes and because we have found this, We would like to recommend you keep on praying no matter how long it takes, eventually God will act. Eventually God will respond. Eventually God will answer. A Miracle from God is worth waiting for. A Sovereign move of Jesus is worth waiting for. A healing touch from Jesus is worth waiting for. A financial miracle from Jesus is worth waiting for. Do yourself a favor, don’t jump ship on God and quit praying, have faith in Him. Be patient with God as He works, for He is always working even if you do not see Him or don’t know or understand how He is working. So don’t give up on God, Keep on Praying and believe that Jesus is listening and so is God and that at the right time, they will respond and answer your prayers. So go ahead, pray again, believe again and let God meet you at your points of needs!
Want to pray again and believe that Jesus and God are listening to your prayers? If so, join us in this simple prayer;
Dear Jesus,
Please forgive me for my impatience with your workings, your moving and your answers to my prayers. I invite you to come into my circumstances and refresh my desire to pray again with power, passion, and endurance. Bless me and WIN International Ministries as we pray, and as we hope and believe that not only will you and God listen, but you will at the right time answer our prayers according to your will, your plans and your purposes for our lives, I ask and pray – Amen!
Go ahead, Pray again, Jesus may be listening!