Walk With Jesus
Don’t think Jesus Saves?Listen to Sheena!

If you know of anyone running from God or know of anyone who thinks that God doesn’t or can’t save no matter what the circumstances may be, listening to Sheena powerful testimony will help change their mind. Saved by God’s amazing grace from a very destructive cycle of abuse, including child abuse, Sheena shares how bad life can be when you are abused, neglected, left, can’t get any help or when you are treated liked a red head step child that no one loves, wants or helps. If you think you’ve got it rough, listen to Shenna’s powerful testimony and share it with anyone you know of that need Jesus’s saving power to come into their lives or circumstances to make differences that only Jesus Christ Himself can… http://peacewithgod.net/
..., abuse, AD, allowfullscreen, ants, change, Child, Chris, circumstance, circumstances, Come, Destructive, destructive cycle, difference, Differences, doesn't, E., Float, From, Full, God, grace, head, height=, Help, Helps, himself, http://peacewithgod.net/, including, into, Jesus Christ, Jesus Saves, Jesus's, Know, Life, Like, List, Listen, live, lives, love, matter, mind, Movie, name, Need, Neglected, Object, Only, Out, peace, Power, Powerful, powerful testimony, race, S., Save, Saved, Saves, Self, share, shares, Sheen, Sheena, Sheena's, size, span, src=, Step, Style, test, Testimony., th, Their, Think, Those, treat, True, very, Want, wants