Let Jesus give You Wisdom For Your Trials!

Jesus Christ learned obedience to God early on in life. As the son of God, no one had to tell Him who His “Real” Father was and no one had to tell Him that He needed to obey His “Real Father’s instructions”. Walking the earth for 33 years, Jesus Christ learned to always be in Rhythm with God, His Ways, His Wishes, and The way that He chose to work. Jesus knew that as a created Being, He was created to “Seek and Save”. Luke 19:10 confirms that “The Son Of Man came to Seek And Save The Lost” and as God’s children at some point and time all of us will experience being lost, confused, tired, broke, disgusted, sick, fed up, tired and totally disgusted with life’s constant problems.
God sent Jesus into your life for a reason. God knew you would need a Savior. He knew you would need direction. He knew you would need to be saved. He knew you would get lost. He knew you would get tired. He knew there would be times when you didn’t know if you would make it or have enough to even get by. God knew that there would be times when you would be confused, fed up, broke, sick, disgusted and at times totally fed up with life’s constant problems. God knew there would be times when you would wonder why are things happening to you as they are and what did you do to deserve what you are having to go through. God gets you. He understands you. Although God doesn’t always respond or answer the way you want Him to or how you want Him to, He does eventually respond.
So until God does respond to your prayers, your questions, your concerns or your situations, be still and know that He is God and at just the right time, He will provide what is needed for you to be able to go on. You see, we’ve found that it’s easy to trust God when things are going well and life is going our way, but the real tough challenge for us is to endure life’s circumstances, setbacks and problems and be obedient to God, when folks are acting crazy, things are not working right or when resources and supply are uncertain. We’ve found that God often places us all in situations and circumstances that we cannot control and circumstances and situations that we are uncertain of because then we will have to look to him and learn surrender and obedience. What about you? How has life’s constant trials altered your relationship and your obedience to God? Do you feel the same way that we do?
In conclusion, we’ve learned that the demons of distrust and dissatisfaction will always rear their ugly head in our lives and in our minds, but with enough prayer, hope and belief in God, it is possible to Trust God, tithe to Him, and allow him to take you into His arms and provide you with shelter from the storms of life that force themselves upon you. God wants us to trust Him to take care of us and trust that there will always be enough oil, supplies and flour to make it through. The joy of the widow to experience repeated miracles through God’s provision is ours for the taking if we obey, trust in God, and get over certainty. Remember, God is indeed Jehovah Jireh, He is God, He always provides! You need only stay in faith, follow Him, trust Him, pray to Him and be obedient to Him, to see Him work and make a way for you in your life.
Shared with you by
Evangelist Wendy Evans
CEO Of WIN International Ministries
“To God Be The Glory”