3 Things are trying to hold You Down?Want Jesus to set You Free?

Did you know that You are your biggest enemy? Did you know that Jesus has to spend a lot of time trying to help you defeat your biggest enemy which is Yourself? Jesus Christ, son of God wants to change the dynamics of your internal dialogue and the external manifestations of your life when you become willing to allow Him to change You! Do You Want in? Do You want in on what Jesus Christ is ready and able to do in and through your life when you simply say “Yes” to what Jesus wants to do in your life? If you do, then take some time to get alone or with a group of people that you love and care about and then Listen to this message that is being shared with us by Pastor Rick Warren. Before You begin to listen to the message, Invite Jesus Christ to come sit with you as you listen to this message and ask Him to illuminate and make clear to you anything that He wants you to hear, see or understand. Then “silently” say, “Jesus Christ” I give you full permission to transform me and my inner dialogue that I have with myself. Then further Pray this, “Jesus Christ, I give you permission to change my desires and the way that I perceive myself. “Jesus, help me transform how I allow the world and those around me to effect me, my moods, my finances and my relationship with you and with God.
“Help me become a better person that is not in bondage and constantly having to be saved from the pathways of self destruction. Ask God to strengthen me, fill me, bless me and educate me on learning who He created me to be so that I can finally begin to live the life that you came to give me that was spoken about in John 10:10. And Jesus, Because I have surrendered my life and the control of my flesh and my world to your Lordship, please help me defeat the “devil” in me and the things that frequently cause me hurt, stress, pain, unhappiness, and unnecessary pressure. -Amen!
Written by Evangelist Wendy Evans
“To God Be The Glory”