Tag Archives: bible

Don’t like how things are? Let Jesus revise “Your life’s story”!

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10 When satan says, “I will cause anxiety, fear and panic. I will

Break free! Let Jesus help you overcome being Stuck!

Feeling stagnant in life is a common struggle that many people face, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent state. Regardless of the source of feeling stuck, finding a way to break free and move forward can seem daunting.

Tired? This may help!

In times of uncertainty, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel can be difficult. That’s why prayer is a powerful source of hope and comfort during these challenging times. Jesus prayed a lot. He found that communion with God can

Is YOUR faith low? If so, pray this prayer!

Has long term suffering and unresolved problems made you doubt Jesus? Is your faith at an all-time low right now? If so, I wrote a prayer to help you find the words to pray when your faith is low. If

Partnership has benefits!

Still on the fence about partnering with Jesus? Haven’t fully decided yet? Well we’ve got good news for you, partnering with Jesus has benefits! Some of those benefits include unleashing the power of generational blessings in your life! Your journey

Trust Jesus to show YOU the way!

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19, NLT  Every year I pray

Jesus can bring hope out of ruin!

Devastation, chaos—the world as you know it suddenly is turned upside down. That is what happened to those hit by Hurricane Ian. Everything they worked for, their life savings, and their homes all destroyed. A city lay in ruins. We

Trust Jesus anyway!

One of the things I love about the Christmas season is its many reminders to focus our attention on Christ. To be sure, there is much these days to call our attention away from the Lord. As Thanksgiving approaches, there

Don’t worry, Jesus can help God Restore Time for you!

Have you ever wanted to turn back time? The truth is, time is something we never get back. Maybe this leaves you feeling regretful or sad about years that have been wasted or time not well spent on the things

Remember, Jesus said, “With God” all things are possible!

God has the power and ability to supernaturally turn things around. Every time He releases His turn around power in our direction, things will supernaturally turn around in our lives. “Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding

Get energized! Let Jesus refeul you!

We have found that Life is full of ups and downs, good times and then not so good times but it is during the challenging times that we often find ourselves searching for help and guidance. In these moments, we

Jesus’s got a plan!

It’s not often that you embark on a journey without knowing where you are going, is it? When I travel somewhere, I usually like to know the route I am going to take to get there, how long it is
