Tag Archives: business

You’ve Followed Jesus A While Now, Want to connect with Him Personally?

Life can turn on a dime. Circumstances, events, people, words of a song, a movie, or moment of introspection can change us forever. Sometimes that life-altering turn comes because of what appears to be a chance word we hear in

Jesus Learned to do this, Have you?

As this last year came to a close on December 31st, it’s only natural that we all took a moment to reflect on what happened in our lives over the past 365 days. There was a birthday, Christmas, probably a

Come closer,Jesus Wants To help You Deal with “Your Stress”!

Everyone feels stressed out from time to time. In fact, according to a new infographic by Make it cheaper, 47% of people feel stressed every day. During a recent invitation from God issued through “WIN International Ministries“http://wisdomofgodwithwendy.org/, to seek Him

Time Travel To Ephesus-Get a glimpse of what real faith does!

Walking down the main street of Ephesus today in western Turkey is an amazing experience, as you are able to view the ancient well preserved ruins of two thousand years ago, but it was not always such a peaceful city.

If Jesus Has let Your Life be ordinary,Here’s why!

I was in youth group when I first heard that God had an extraordinary plan for my life. This plan would include seeing revival, winning converts, helping the poor, and traveling overseas to preach the gospel, dig wells, and serve

Is your christian walk like Jesus?

Have you heard of or read the teachings of Jesus Christ? If you have studied the life of Jesus at all or heard about the life of Jesus Christ at all then you may have come to realize that Jesus
