Tag Archives: Calling

When You Can’t Find Words To Pray, Let Jesus Help!

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind

Jesus wants to Help You Fix Your Life!

In case You haven’t noticed it, life is getting tougher, rougher and many different and unforeseen obstacles are cropping up every where trying to divert your focus from God’s plans and purposes for your life. These unforeseen obstacles are trying

Leave what was behind, 7 Exit Tips to Get A Fresh Start!

A new year means a new start. But first we need to look at the ‘out with the old’ before we look at the ‘in with the new.’ Why not start the New Year with a clean slate? We all

As A Christ Follower, if you want to Grow, expect Change!

Every Christian desires to grow in Christ and His ways, but not everyone experiences growth or at least at the rate they would like it to happen. No matter how hard they try, some find it hard to grow or

Still Tired? Keep Company with Jesus! Grab Your Faith Boost!

Prayer is one of the most fundamental aspects of Christian life. It’s our lifeline to God, a way of approaching Him with anything and everything. As such, prayer can take on many different forms. It can be a source of

Life off Course? Are you in “The Rhythm”?

Here’s a quick exercise to try. For the next minute, list all the things God calls us to do with our lives. “Have faith”, you might say. Or pray. Or go into the world, befriend the lonely, heal the sick,

Jesus Wants To Help You Overcome 4 Forces That Destroy Relationships!

Scan the magazine racks at the checkout today. Look at their endless headlines of who has found love, lost love, and their Top 10 lists of how to lure love and make love. Look at the movies we watch, the

5 Bible Verses About Healing for You!

The human spirit has been through tough times. It’s seen the Black Plague, it’s overcome the Great Fire of London, it has lived through two World Wars, it has witnessed that fateful day of 9/11, etc. The human spirit has

Tired Of Where You Are? Here’s An Invitation For You!

“Lord, give me patience and give it to me right now!” This was a frequent prayer my mother spoke over me frequently in my boyhood years. This prayer may say more about me as a boy than it does about

Jesus is Helping You, Are You Helping Him?

  “What am I supposed to do with my life?” “I don’t feel like what I do matters very much… that my life makes much of a difference. How do I make my life count?” “I’m nothing special. I’m shy.

Is Your Bucket List Like Jesus’s?

While reading through the book of John, I have been hit with some sobering reminders. Conviction’s arrow has pierced my heart as I see how my way of viewing life can subtly become more conformed to this world, than to having

Got Time For Jesus?

My heart stopped as I looked at my calendar. I’d missed my appointment with my child’s school principal. Again. Shrouded in shame, I reached for my phone and imagined the principal reaching for his, except he wasn’t calling me. “Department
