Tag Archives: circumstance

Has Your Life Been Hard? Time Travel With Paul For Fresh Insight!

I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6 ESV). While these may be easy words to say, they are much harder

Let Jesus give You Wisdom For Your Trials!

Jesus Christ learned obedience to God early on in life. As the son of God, no one had to tell Him who His “Real” Father was and no one had to tell Him that He needed to obey His “Real

Leave the life of the Ordinary!Take a leap of faith,follow Jesus!

     Are you fed up with the mundane existence of living an ordinary life? Does boring routines, dull scenes, and predictable occurrences in your life keep you less than happy, entertained or fulfilled by what you are currently experiencing in

Accepting Where You Are is Easier if Jesus is leading You!

God gave us the word “may” as a gift to be able to see and impact the future for good and God. It is a word of opportunity, of blessing, of hope. Depending on who speaks the word or who

Maybe You Need God to work Supernaturally!

Would people say that you are a problem solver or a complainer? Problem solvers find a way around the challenge and will attempt many different combinations until they have success. Complainers make everyone aware of the problem, but rarely offer

Do You have this Prerequisite of Following Christ?

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). F.B. Meyer stated: “If any promise of God should fail, the heavens would

Things Not working?Let Jesus show you the way!

The final night of this extraordinary summit, Pastor Bill Winston delivers the message “Time of gathering” it will change how you look at your circumstances and how you feel about them. Come sit in the Presence of our Savior and

Step out of the World’s Vortex..into Christ’s Love!

God loved birds and invented trees. Man loved birds and invented cages. ~ Jacques Deval Is there anyway we can learn true love from God? If truly there is a way then how? There is only one possible answer: “We

Jesus will show you God’s Answer!

Are you going through a “Hard place” right now that seems to have you stuck and unable to move one way or the other? Does it seem like no matter what, things or folks are just not getting any better

Even Jesus God Mad at God…How about You?

Do you ever get mad at God? Has something ever happened to you or to someone that you love that  has made you “really” mad at God? Are your current circumstances either making you mad or making you question just

If Jesus Has let Your Life be ordinary,Here’s why!

I was in youth group when I first heard that God had an extraordinary plan for my life. This plan would include seeing revival, winning converts, helping the poor, and traveling overseas to preach the gospel, dig wells, and serve

Let Jesus hand You a Missing Ingredient!

The final night of this extraordinary summit, Pastor Bill Winston delivers the message “Time of gathering” it will change how you look at your circumstances and how you feel about them. Come sit in the Presence of our Savior and
