I don’t have all of the answers. And I will never fully understand why God allowed my husband, Andrew Stoecklein (lead pastor of Inland Hills Church in California) to die at 30 years old the way he did. But I still
The Church is always to be engaged in spiritual warfare. The people of God face some powerful enemies in this world. Satan and his demons are doing all they can to undermine the work of God … to defeat and
I stood at the three-point line on the basketball court. Our team was playing defense under the other team’s goal. One of their players shot the ball, but it didn’t go in. Instantly I started running. As point guard, I
Jesus’ death on the cross was essential for us all. Those in rebellion to God desperately need grace; so do the religious! None of us measures up to the righteousness of God, and none of us fully practices the compassion
Are you still in need of help? Has what you have been trying or doing simply just not working? If you are in need of help or if you have been trying or doing everything and it is simply still
I am not an advocate of gambling associated with professional horse racing, but I have always been intrigued by the sport. It is referred to as “the fastest two minutes in sports.” Every year, horse breeders from the United Sates
The Bible is filled with great stories of how Jesus helped many people when they faced insurmountable odds, overwhelming circumstances and unforseen problems. Additionally, Jesus’s life and His teachings are filled with many lessons that YOU can apply to your
Israel had fallen into idolatry but their root sin was still unbelief and fear. In His mercy, God sent them a prophet to expose their root sin. The prophet basically told them, “Look at you—a bunch of wimps, hiding out,
The term 9-11 is something we have all come to recognize as a sad remembrance in the USA’s history. It’s a reminder of how quickly our lives can be here today, and then gone tomorrow. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of people
Still on the fence about partnering with Jesus? Haven’t fully decided yet? Well we’ve got good news for you, partnering with Jesus has benefits! Some of Read More »
If you’re feeling discouraged, tired, broke, sick, or uncertain right now, you’re not alone. Life can be incredibly hard, and sometimes it feels like nothing is Read More »
If you live in this world long enough you are going to experience many ups and downs, many hills and valleys and many overwhelming circumstances that Read More »
The Bible is filled with great stories of how Jesus helped many people when they faced insurmountable odds, overwhelming circumstances and unforseen problems. Additionally, Jesus’s life Read More »
The first time I saw the power of prayer firsthand, I was at church one evening helping to prepare for an upcoming ladies conference with women Read More »