Tag Archives: Depression

Do You need Jesus to help Get Your Life on Track?

Our lives appear always to be in a constant state of change. Happiness and frustration are never very far removed from each other. I have been away from the Psalms too long. David’s psalms come from many different places and

Are You Stressed? Get Help! Talk to Jesus!

Life can be very very stressful. Some people are having the best times of their lives, yet it is difficult times for many … it is also a time when we are supposed to feel additional love for others. Unfortunately,

Are you searching for more?

Have you ever been so thirsty that you could hardly bear it? The kind of thirst where your throat feels dried up, you can hardly swallow, and your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth that you’re just so

Jesus can still make a way!

Have you placed your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Great Physician?  In Jeremiah 8:22 the prophet asked, “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people

The Little Engine That Could!

“The Little Engine That Could.” is one of those marvelous children’s stories that  stays with you. I’m 74 years old and still, to this today, when faced with difficulties, I often find myself remembering a picture of the little engine

The doorway is open to YOUR new year!

The door of the past year has closed and we are at the he doorway of a brand new year, let’s take time to hear some wisdom from above that will help us live a prosperous new year.   Many people

Trust Jesus with YOUR unanswered prayers, He’s doing something you can’t see yet!

Have you ever found yourself on your knees, pouring out your soul, desperately searching for a sign or an answer, only to be met with silence? Many of us feel an overwhelming sense of frustration when our prayers seem to

Jesus Wants to help you if you’re depressed!

If you’ve found yourself feeling down about life a lot lately and if you have found yourself finding it difficult to concentrate or difficult to go on, you might be depressed. Depression in life is not unusual but normal these

Jesus wants to meet “you in your wilderness”!

The wilderness is a place of mystery and meaning-making, it is a place where problems have you bound, you feel stuck, tired, discouraged, fed up, sick, broke or just plain over it. Chances are, you’ve found yourself in the wilderness

Don’t like how things are? Let Jesus revise “Your life’s story”!

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10 When satan says, “I will cause anxiety, fear and panic. I will

When YOU don’t see “nothing” Jesus is still working!

It’s true that we all have our share of problems and struggles in life, but there’s one Person who can make a difference: Jesus Christ. It may be easy to forget this in the day-to-day pressures of life, but Jesus

Jesus can shine light on YOUR Christmas if it’s dark!

Have you ever tried to celebrate Christmas while you were going through a painful season of life? Perhaps things were so dark you literally felt like you were under the shadow of death? In Corrie Ten Boom’s book, Corrie’s Christmas Memories, she
