Tag Archives: Depression

Don’t worry, Jesus can help God Restore Time for you!

Have you ever wanted to turn back time? The truth is, time is something we never get back. Maybe this leaves you feeling regretful or sad about years that have been wasted or time not well spent on the things

Remember, Jesus said, “With God” all things are possible!

God has the power and ability to supernaturally turn things around. Every time He releases His turn around power in our direction, things will supernaturally turn around in our lives. “Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding

Weary in well doing? Let Jesus help!

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a relentless cycle, no matter how hard you try to break free? It’s as though you’re trapped in a never-ending storm, battling the swirling winds and relentless rain that refuses to let

Feeling Hopeless? Jesus Can Breathe New Hope Your Way!

“We have run out of options. Your ankle will continue to get worse and you may eventually be unable to walk on it. In order to prolong your use of it, you must avoid all running, jumping, and stress on

Are You Tired or Stressed? Can Jesus Help?

If you are stressed, you should read this — but don’t let it stress you out. In the high-speed, wired, always-reachable 21st century America we live in, chronic stress is very hard to avoid. The American Psychological Association finds year

Even if You are tired, you can still Leap Over a Wall — With Jesus!

God gave David victory over Saul and all of his enemies and David sang in praise to the Lord, “With my God I can leap over a wall!” (Psalm 18:29, par) We love to leap over a wall! But what

Problems Can depress You, Let Jesus Help!

If you’re feeling depressed, remember that you’re not alone. God is with you always. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your family, your church, or your friend circles. Ask them to pray with and for you, and

Let Pain Drive YOU to Jesus, Not Away!

Job 19:1-29 There is nothing like hope in the truth to clarify perspective and keep you going. Enduring a painful journey can be done a lot more easily if you embrace truth as your traveling companion. Not only will it

Jesus Wants To Free YOU From Worry!

Anxiety, worry and tension are some of the most destructive forces we can face. They sap our strength and slowly undermine our faith, keeping us from maturing in the Lord (Luke 8:14). If we are to grow in our relationship

Weary from Warfare? 10 ways to make it through!

Sometimes it might feels like we’re all being attacked from all sides — and indeed we are. Ephesians 2:2-3a mentions three sources of attacks: “this world … the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Satan) … the cravings of

Jesus! The Lord Of Fresh Starts!

Wouldn’t life be better if we could have a fresh start after making a mess of things? Years ago while on vacation, I woke up one morning, took my Bible, grabbed my breakfast, and went outside on the back porch.

Jesus can help with “Your full baskets!

“And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes” (Mark 6:43 KJV). We see in Scripture the phrase “baskets full” five times. Each time it’s used, it follows something having been broken. In each case, the
