Tag Archives: Extra

Life altered? God has Sent Jesus to Save You For Reasons!

Jonah may be the most classic “Saved at Sea” story in the Bible! You have a storm, a boat, sailors in panic mode, a man thrown overboard, the lives of tens of thousands of people at stake, and you have

Leave the life of the Ordinary!Take a leap of faith,follow Jesus!

     Are you fed up with the mundane existence of living an ordinary life? Does boring routines, dull scenes, and predictable occurrences in your life keep you less than happy, entertained or fulfilled by what you are currently experiencing in

Things Not working?Let Jesus show you the way!

The final night of this extraordinary summit, Pastor Bill Winston delivers the message “Time of gathering” it will change how you look at your circumstances and how you feel about them. Come sit in the Presence of our Savior and

If Jesus Has let Your Life be ordinary,Here’s why!

I was in youth group when I first heard that God had an extraordinary plan for my life. This plan would include seeing revival, winning converts, helping the poor, and traveling overseas to preach the gospel, dig wells, and serve

Let Jesus hand You a Missing Ingredient!

The final night of this extraordinary summit, Pastor Bill Winston delivers the message “Time of gathering” it will change how you look at your circumstances and how you feel about them. Come sit in the Presence of our Savior and

What if Jesus needs you to be His hands and feet?

The world is getting a whole less loving. As we draw closer to the end of days things are getting darker and darker. People confess Jesus with their lips, but if Jesus needs them to be His hands and feet
