Tag Archives: JesusChrist

Jesus’s right revelations can change things!

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of old problems that never seem to go away? Maybe you’ve tried different solutions, but nothing seems to work. The good news is that there is a way out! By

Overwhelmed? Jesus can help!

Hello to everyone on this spring break weekend! It is good to finally be out of the winter season and take our first steps into spring. Excitement of this seems to be taking place all around us in its natural

Anxious? Jesus can help!

When anxiety hits, among the places we go for advice and comfort—e.g., family, friends, pastors, spiritual directors, or perhaps even to a counselor or therapist—we must not forget to go to God’s Word to calm our anxious hearts. The Bible

Jesus remained true to His identity, and so should YOU!

A King headed to a cross, the foal of a donkey, and a formerly blind man who followed along the way. Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who

Is Fear holding “YOU” hostage?

Israel had fallen into idolatry but their root sin was still unbelief and fear. In His mercy, God sent them a prophet to expose their root sin. The prophet basically told them, “Look at you—a bunch of wimps, hiding out,

Come Lord Jesus!

The term 9-11 is something we have all come to recognize as a sad remembrance in the USA’s history. It’s a reminder of how quickly our lives can be here today, and then gone tomorrow. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of people

Step out of the World’s Vortex..into Christ’s Love!

God loved birds and invented trees. Man loved birds and invented cages. ~ Jacques Deval Is there anyway we can learn true love from God? If truly there is a way then how? There is only one possible answer: “We
