Tag Archives: looking

Invite Jesus to change your life when You Pray!

Praying for health does not cost you anything.  Praying for health takes a little time. There are many people that belong to some kind of religion. When a person is sick or in pain, it is common to pray for

Jesus is working through Your God sized Changes to create Your New!

We’ve just stepped over the threshold of a new year. Just a few nights ago, the second hand clicked past midnight and 2024 became 2025. It is time for a fresh start, a new day, a clean slate…Who are we

Bible verses To Help You Make it Through!

However well life is going overall, we all have moments when we feel totally overwhelmed – unable to get perspective or see beyond a particular problem. The Bible speaks a lot about this, and how God is at hand even

Come Closer, let in Jesus’s Gift Of Peace!

Nowadays peace and joy seem to be such a scarce commodity. So many people, even Christians, find themselves in a position where they lack peace and joy. While we understand Jesus as being the source of peace and joy, just

Mary-Mother of Jesus qualified for The Extraordinary,Do You?

The bible has recorded many actions and stories of great women. Stories of loyalty, obedience, disobedience, and disloyalty to God. Recently, I portrayed the angel Gabriel in our church production. I delivered the news to Mary about her being with

Ever Wonder How You Should Pray?

In Scripture, Jesus teaches us to pray as He prayed: in solitude. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35).

Tired? Maybe Jesus Is Trying To Tell You Something!

Building intentional community and meaningful relationships are phrases that are drilled into us as Christians. We’re told that they are a vital part of bringing God’s kingdom to earth, and integral to his plan to make all things new. Hit-and-run

When You Can’t Find Words To Pray, Let Jesus Help!

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind

Still Tired? Keep Company with Jesus! Grab Your Faith Boost!

Prayer is one of the most fundamental aspects of Christian life. It’s our lifeline to God, a way of approaching Him with anything and everything. As such, prayer can take on many different forms. It can be a source of

Life off Course? Are you in “The Rhythm”?

Here’s a quick exercise to try. For the next minute, list all the things God calls us to do with our lives. “Have faith”, you might say. Or pray. Or go into the world, befriend the lonely, heal the sick,

Unhappy With Life? Don’t Be, Jesus Is working to bring what You Need!

Jesus had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things. (Mark 6:34) We live in a rural part of southern England and many of the fields near us are

If You Pray like Jesus You’ll get closer to Your God Given Purposes!

 Most of us pray at the time of crises like never before, don’t we? Yes we do, and we accept this fact, however, most of us never share this with anyone. But God knows it all, He knows we all tend to pray more when there
