Tag Archives: Miracles

Want Your prayers to be effective? Pray like Jesus!

Do you want to know how to pray like Jesus and have your prayers be more effective and more in line with God’s plans for your life? You may have figured out that if you’re going to pray, you do want

Don’t Live Life In Fear, Trust Jesus! Trust God!

Terrorists terrify us. But from an eternal perspective, they may touch the body, but they can never touch the soul. “Dear friends, don’t be afraid of these who want to murder you. They can only kill the body; they have

Jesus Is With You This Christmas and Always!

Because Christmas is here, you may be feeling a mix of emotions. For some, this time of year is filled with joy, warmth, and excitement. But for others, the holidays can be tough. Perhaps you’re dealing with financial struggles, a

If you are fed up or tired, Jesus invites you to pray again!

Jesus Christ, God’s one and only son walked this earth for 33 years and from the very beginning of His life, He had it rough. He was born without sin to virgin Mary in deplorable conditions in a stable that

Who will Thank Jesus This Thanksgiving?

When my youngest son, Stedmon, was small, before each meal he would ask, “Who’ll say grace?” I always responded, “I think this is a good day for Stedmon to say grace.” My oldest son, Steven would usually respond, “I’ll say

10 Bible Verses Jesus Wants YOU To have About Hope!

Hope is one of the core elements of the Christian faith. It’s a desiring of things that we can’t understand how they will happen, but want them to. It gives us courage and confidence in moving forward. It provides encouragement

The Strange Ways Doubt Could Be Blocking Jesus’s Breakthroughs in Your Life!

Welcome, friend and faithful blog reader, today, we embark on a journey together—a journey into the heart of our faith, the essence of our belief, and the power of what Jesus can do when we allow Him to work in

If Jesus Asked You To Follow Him…Would You Follow?

People seemed to follow Jesus wherever He went – to towns and villages, hills and mountainsides, streets and synagogues. Perhaps most went after Him to see the miracles and healings. Many might have been curious about his teachings. Some may

“Could This Be Blocking Your Miracles”?

And because of their unbelief, he [Jesus] couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their unbelief (Mark 6:5-6 NLT — Underline added.). I

Find Hope in Chaos: Trust Jesus to Turn Messes into Miracles!

Do you feel weary in well-doing? Are you struggling with unsolved problems in your life that are affecting your faith in Jesus? It’s not uncommon to experience doubts and challenges, especially when life gets tough. However, it’s important to remember

When Life seems Hard, let Jesus change how you see it!

Times have been tough. The situations in which you may find yourself could be fraught with difficulties. And in moments of despair, tears could well up in your eyes. “What has happened to me?” you could ask. Your thoughts slide

You’ve Read And You’ve Heard, But Who Is Jesus To You?

When asked who Peter thought Jesus was, he replied: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus didn’t praise Peter for giving a smart answer. Yes, the Lord did bless Peter for sharing these words, but he
