Tag Archives: plea

3 Scriptures that may lead to healing!

Need physical healing? God wants you well. Jesus Christ bore all your sicknesses, diseases, pain and all your physical problems upon Himself on the Cross so you could be healed. God’s answer to your problem is found in His manual

Unhappy? Jesus Wants to Guide You!

In the pursuit of happiness, apart from God, Solomon had aimless wanderings and fruitless searching for satisfaction. If you have a reverential fear of God, obey Him and make room for Him in all you do, you will find meaning

In Jesus’ name Be Ye Healed!

God’s Word is the most powerful medicine available on planet earth and it is definitely capable of healing your body, without any side effects, as the scientific medicines give. The bible tells us in Psalm 107:20a, “He sent forth His

Even in Hard times, Is Your Joy found in Jesus?

God wants us to continually make good choices for our lives. So He’s given us the Bible – His Word – as an instruction book to live by. The thing is, once we know what it says, we’re responsible to

Ever wondered if God “Really” Answers Prayer?

Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says “Yes” or “No.” What if the answer is “Yes”? What if the answer is “No” – how can we deal with it? How

Leave the life of the Ordinary!Take a leap of faith,follow Jesus!

     Are you fed up with the mundane existence of living an ordinary life? Does boring routines, dull scenes, and predictable occurrences in your life keep you less than happy, entertained or fulfilled by what you are currently experiencing in

Do You have this Prerequisite of Following Christ?

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). F.B. Meyer stated: “If any promise of God should fail, the heavens would

3 Things are trying to hold You Down?Want Jesus to set You Free?

Did you know that You are your biggest enemy? Did you know that Jesus has to spend a lot of time trying to help you defeat your biggest enemy which is Yourself? Jesus Christ, son of God wants to change

Jesus will show you God’s Answer!

Are you going through a “Hard place” right now that seems to have you stuck and unable to move one way or the other? Does it seem like no matter what, things or folks are just not getting any better

If Jesus Has let Your Life be ordinary,Here’s why!

I was in youth group when I first heard that God had an extraordinary plan for my life. This plan would include seeing revival, winning converts, helping the poor, and traveling overseas to preach the gospel, dig wells, and serve

Is your christian walk like Jesus?

Have you heard of or read the teachings of Jesus Christ? If you have studied the life of Jesus at all or heard about the life of Jesus Christ at all then you may have come to realize that Jesus
