Tag Archives: Scripture

When life is hard, Jesus can help!

We’ve all been there. We’ve all felt the emptiness and fatigue of life’s hardships and injustices. We’re all familiar with the feeling of being beaten down by life’s challenges and feeling helpless to make a difference. It’s an unfortunately all-too-common

Christ left YOU Clues!

Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord, but he is also the model on whom we are to build our lives! [Jesus told his disciples,] “A disciple is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully qualified will

Want A Strategy To Get Results? Let Jesus Guide You!

Careful planning and hard work are vital, but they have limits. Zerubbabel had an impossible job. So do you, life can be tough and so can building a business or trying to manage your life or your family.  Zerubbabel  had

Jesus wants to help if you’ve become weary!

The enemy will try to bring things against you to try to get you to become weary and faint in your mind. If your mind faints, your words will change. When you say, “I believe I’m strong today. My faith

Make the Word come alive within you!

Have you ever read a portion of Scripture – perhaps even several pages or chapters – only to realize that you have no idea what you just read? Your eyes may be reading words but your mind is thinking about

You might just need “better options”!

The world is a beautiful but chaotic place at times. We often find ourselves stuck in difficult situations that leave us feeling helpless and without options. But don’t lose hope; there is always a way out. Countless stories throughout history

Jesus can still help, if you pray!

Do you ever feel like the trials in your life are testing your faith? We can relate. Sometimes trials include marriage, friendships, relatives, jobs, finances, children, or health. Although having trials in our lives is unavoidable, there is good news

Are You Spending Enough Time With Jesus?

As a follower of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you should be spending lots of quality time with Jesus every day if you want to see results from your prayers, significant growth, deliverance and the power of Jesus at

Perhaps all that is needed is this…..

The disciples were astonished that the fig tree, cursed by Jesus the previous evening, was dead; dried up from its roots (Matthew 21:20; Mark 11:20). Before them was one more practical evidence of the incredible effectiveness of Jesus’ words. According

Your problems will change if Jesus steps into your “abyss”!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader! If you’re feeling like you’re stuck in an abyss, we want to encourage you to take a moment to listen to something truly special. Imagine being able to hear comforting words, powerful truths, and

When The World Overwhelms You, Jesus Beckons you to Come!

One of our Soul Shepherding ministries is to guide pastors, pastors’ wives, and other leaders and caregivers in the practice of solitude and silence with Jesus. Today it’s probably the most important discipline we could ever practice when the problems

Life off Course? Are you in “The Rhythm”?

Here’s a quick exercise to try. For the next minute, list all the things God calls us to do with our lives. “Have faith”, you might say. Or pray. Or go into the world, befriend the lonely, heal the sick,
