Tag Archives: trouble

Tired? Experiencing Spiritual Warfare? Pray*Ask Jesus For “more” Help*!

Are you in a battle, and it’s taking more than just a physical toll on you? Are you finding it difficult to find the words to tell the devil to be gone? Spiritual warfare is crippling, real, and troublesome, but

If Problems are Tiring You Out,Jesus wants to help!

Have you ever heard the song “You just gotta have FAITTTTTTHHHH!” From the song “Faith” by George Michael and Limp Bizkit?   Did you know that they way you think will influence the way you will be. This is why

Want a better life?Can Jesus have control?

Does it often seem like your life is spinning out of control? Has it ever felt like you couldn’t finish going through one thing before you had to end up going through something else? Has it ever felt as though

Jesus Knew God had reasons for Sufffering..Peek Here and Learn!

Remember when the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee and a storm struck? (Read Matthew 14.) The wind and waves began in the evening and continued all night long. Meanwhile, Jesus was on a mountaintop praying, far away from

Ever Wonder What To do if God or Jesus Doesn’t Show up to Help?

What do you do when it looks like God or Jesus hasn’t shown up after all when you pray repeatedly, seek repeatedly and ask for help repeatedly? Perhaps you’ve been praying earnestly for something – and the situation has apparently

Jesus Wants to help you if you’re depressed!

If you’ve found yourself feeling down about life a lot lately and if you have found yourself finding it difficult to concentrate or difficult to go on, you might be depressed. Depression in life is not unusual but normal these

Bible verses To Help You Make it Through!

However well life is going overall, we all have moments when we feel totally overwhelmed – unable to get perspective or see beyond a particular problem. The Bible speaks a lot about this, and how God is at hand even

Trust God Through Your Misfortunes+Trials- Have Faith

Wonder what would happen If we could entirely trust God’s will, count on God through faith and try not to interrupt Him while He works? Do you think life might be easier? Sounds undemanding right? OK, it can be a

As A Follower Of Jesus, Seek God’s Refuge For Help+Strength!

Have you ever needed a refuge, a place to hide from the storm? Our little boat was heading straight into a 50 MPH wind. My friend and me were out fishing on a small lake in the Midwest. We didn’t

Afraid Because of “Bad Circumstances”? Let Jesus hand you 10 Bible Verses to Cling To!

We all go through times when we feel afraid; whether it’s anxiety about the future, or real fear about a certain situation, but if you’ve made Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior, you have no reason to be afraid.

Who will Thank Jesus This Thanksgiving?

When my youngest son, Stedmon, was small, before each meal he would ask, “Who’ll say grace?” I always responded, “I think this is a good day for Stedmon to say grace.” My oldest son, Steven would usually respond, “I’ll say

Invite Jesus in Your life!

Life’s problems and troubles can drain you out and almost make you feel like you are having the life choked out of you! It doesn’t have to be that way! You don’t have to suffer and walk the lonesome road
