Tag Archives: Want

Jesus learned God’s Timing is best,What about You?

Do you remember the story of Abraham and Sarah? God gave them a promise that they were going to have a child, but year after year nothing happened, so they decided to help God out,  Sarah came up with a

Perhaps Jesus Allowed your problems to teach you who’s Real!

One of the most profound of biblical characters is the man named Job. The book which bears his name is rich with insights about real life. It is profound, disturbing, and yet incredibly helpful precisely because it reveals something of

Note from Jesus: My Message for My Churches!

Dear Disciple, The apostle Paul talked about My church as My body, with Me as its head (Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18). His point was that the church is an organism, a living body getting its life-giving direction and coordination from

Come closer,Jesus Wants To help You Deal with “Your Stress”!

Everyone feels stressed out from time to time. In fact, according to a new infographic by Make it cheaper, 47% of people feel stressed every day. During a recent invitation from God issued through “WIN International Ministries“http://wisdomofgodwithwendy.org/, to seek Him

Be Thankful! A Note to You From Jesus!

Dear Child of Grace, You have been blessed with grace because of the Father’s love (John 3:16-18; Colossians 1:12-14). That grace was embodied by My coming to earth in human flesh, My life of service, My atoning death on the

Ever wondered if God “Really” Answers Prayer?

Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says “Yes” or “No.” What if the answer is “Yes”? What if the answer is “No” – how can we deal with it? How

Could Jesus be walking with you unrecognized?

On the walk to Emmaus, A stranger appeared to two Disciples in a manner not recognized. The stranger walked up and heard them speak of the events that had occurred over the past three days. He then asked them, what was it that had occurred. They

Can Jesus Use You to Correct and Restore Those lost?

A Note To You from Jesus ……. Dear Beloved, Occasionally in an earthly family, a family member can lose his or her way. That person’s behavior can become bizarre, erratic, hurtful, rebellious, sinful, or dangerous. The same is true in

Is this the missing ingredient in your spiritual life?

Imagine, just for a moment, that you are attending a church service, or watching a TV chat show – and a special guest is announced.To your surprise, that individual is none other than Jesus. There he is! Envisage him walking

Are You Busy And Stressed? Jesus Has A Message For You!

Jesus said to them: “The Sabbath was made for Man, not Man for the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27) In his best-selling book “Crazy Busy”, author Kevin DeYoung says he heard an anecdote about a woman from another culture who came to

What Do You Want Jesus to Do for You?

What do you want Jesus to do for you? It’s the most important question of your life. John and Andrew were introduced to Jesus by John the Baptist who said to them: “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away

Perplexed? Jesus May Be Calling You To Follow Him!

As Christians, we are followers of Christ, but sometimes in the midst of life and our own shortcomings, we fall short, and off course with God. But nothing is more important than God’s calling for your life, especially your calling
