Tag Archives: wanted

Invite Jesus to change your life when You Pray!

Praying for health does not cost you anything.  Praying for health takes a little time. There are many people that belong to some kind of religion. When a person is sick or in pain, it is common to pray for

Come Closer, let in Jesus’s Gift Of Peace!

Nowadays peace and joy seem to be such a scarce commodity. So many people, even Christians, find themselves in a position where they lack peace and joy. While we understand Jesus as being the source of peace and joy, just

Mary-Mother of Jesus qualified for The Extraordinary,Do You?

The bible has recorded many actions and stories of great women. Stories of loyalty, obedience, disobedience, and disloyalty to God. Recently, I portrayed the angel Gabriel in our church production. I delivered the news to Mary about her being with

Jesus wants to Help You Fix Your Life!

In case You haven’t noticed it, life is getting tougher, rougher and many different and unforeseen obstacles are cropping up every where trying to divert your focus from God’s plans and purposes for your life. These unforeseen obstacles are trying

If Problems are Tiring You Out,Jesus wants to help!

Have you ever heard the song “You just gotta have FAITTTTTTHHHH!” From the song “Faith” by George Michael and Limp Bizkit?   Did you know that they way you think will influence the way you will be. This is why

Today Could Be The Day Jesus Answers Your Prayers?He May Be Listening…You Praying?

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to either not receive the answer that you were hoping for or prayed and prayed only to wonder if God or Jesus was even listening to you? Do you wonder if Your prayers really matter to

Ever Wonder How You Should Pray?

In Scripture, Jesus teaches us to pray as He prayed: in solitude. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35).

Maybe Jesus has Already Answered Your Prayers….

Are you experiencing many hardships and uncertainties in life? Do you ever wonder if Jesus is really Your personal Lord and Savior because your problems seem to either intensify, not get any better or remain the same? Are problems that

When You Can’t Find Words To Pray, Let Jesus Help!

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind

“Could This Be Blocking Your Miracles”?

And because of their unbelief, he [Jesus] couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their unbelief (Mark 6:5-6 NLT — Underline added.). I

Life off Course? Are you in “The Rhythm”?

Here’s a quick exercise to try. For the next minute, list all the things God calls us to do with our lives. “Have faith”, you might say. Or pray. Or go into the world, befriend the lonely, heal the sick,

This World is Broken, Keep Following Jesus!

Dear Disciple, The beloved elder John wrote to My disciples because he deeply loved them and wanted them to find eternal life in me. His words to begin 3 John beautifully reveal this part of his heart: I, the elder,
