Tired of problems?Turn to Jesus!

Did you know that accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior does not exempt you from suffering, brokenness, despair, heartache, persecution, letdowns, barren places, broke places, sickness, death or disease? Did you know that accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior makes you a target to the devil from Hell and his demons? If you didn’t know that suffering intensifies as you live life and try to follow Jesus, just live on, you will quickly find out that trying to follow Jesus can sometimes feel like ~Somebody has let the dogs out. Sometimes problems can be so bad and so off the chain rough until they will make you stand up and take notice, because they can be so awful, if you didn’t know any better you would think that someone or something is trying to choke the life out of you, drive you to the brink of insanity or make you jump off a cliff with no cushion to land on. Following Christ costs you something. Trusting Christ costs you something. Letting Christ lead you and have control costs you something.
Some Christ followers believe that Just because they invited Jesus Christ into their lives to become their Personal Savior, life is going to be problem free, effort free and everything will be handed to them on a silver platter,Unfortunately this is not how it works. Becoming a Christ follower does not exempt anyone from the pain and suffering that living life brings. No one, no matter how rich, powerful, good or bad they are is exempt from going through trials and tribulations. As a matter of fact, becoming a Christ follower attracts more problems to you than you’ve ever had before simply because Christ is now your Lord and Savior and you have made the devil mad. You’ve made the devil mad because he has lost the battle for you, and he wanted you for himself.
If you wonder what is the point of accepting Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, if things are going to be rough, tough and even harder for you, Perhaps you should understand that when God created Jesus Christ, He did so with the sole intent of Jesus Christ being created to be a bridge back to Himself. God decreed and declared that anyone that would accept His one and only Son as their personal Lord and Savior willingly would be granted an opportunity to become a part of His family which in turn would give them eternal life and a chance to be with God in Heaven upon their departure from earth,(“see John 3:16”). God also enabled Jesus Christ to become a living Savior to all those who would invite Him and give Him control of their lives so that Jesus Christ could Shepherd over the trials and tribulations of daily living. It is in this way that the trials of life would be managed, sifted and controlled by Jesus Christ. God did not want the trials of daily living to triumph over all of those who believe in Him, so He appointed Jesus Christ to handle the daily trials and tribulations of all of those who would invite, accept, and give Him the control of their lives.
It may be hard for you to believe sometimes that Jesus Christ or God really is in control. It can be hard to believe especially when so much bad is happening. It can also be hard to believe that God or Jesus Christ is in control when times get so rough we find our selves asking God if our troubles will ever end or get any better? Especially difficult times will make you wonder why things don’t seem to be working out for you, or why God has allowed these things to happen to You. This is when You have to remember that God loves You and He’s already demonstrated how much He loved You by sending His one and only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for You.
God loved you enough to extend you an invitation to accept His 1 and only son as your personal Lord and Savior. God does want the best for You, He hears Your faintest cry. No matter what hardship, trial or tribulation, or crucible of suffering You are being asked to endure in life God has not forgotten about You, He is working and He has a plan for your life. Today is a new day for you. This month breathes forth new life that has ushered in a New Season for you. So, Stay in faith. Trust in God, He knows what He is doing. Invite Jesus Christ into your life and your circumstances, let Him take control and handle what you can’t. Let Him do what you can’t. Inviting Jesus Christ into your problems doesn’t mean you won’t have problems, it means that your problems won’t have you because Jesus has them. You can trust Jesus, He will help you. He will lead you. He will guide you. He will watch over you and Shepherd you, the good safe ways that God wants you to go. So go ahead, Launch out into the deep and choose to believe that your very best is still yet to come. Dream again. Plan again. Hope again. Love again. Laugh again. For Your “Weeping” may endure and it may seem like it’s forever, but it really is only for a season, God knows the timing of what’s best for you to deliver you out of the snare of the Fowler, and from low, broke and barren places but You will have to stay in faith and trust Him until He’s ready to move in order to see that happen!
Want to recommit your life to Jesus and give Him Control of your life?
Say this prayer with me;
Dear Jesus,
I am a sinner, I am unable to save myself. Up until today, I did not fully understand your role in my life as my personal Lord and Savior, I do want to invite you to come into my life and become my Personal Lord and Savior and help me become all that God has created me to be. Please lead me, protect me, and guide me – Amen
To God be the Glory
Evangelist Wendy Evans