Unhappy? Jesus Wants to Guide You!

In the pursuit of happiness, apart from God, Solomon had aimless wanderings and fruitless searching for satisfaction. If you have a reverential fear of God, obey Him and make room for Him in all you do, you will find meaning in your life. Seeking the material goods of this world only multiplies troubles and they bring no satisfaction either.
But seeking God and doing His will has a reward of true happiness and joy. Happiness is an elusive goal because people and circumstances change quickly. But when you please God, you will enjoy true and lasting happiness. You can receive and enjoy true and lasting happiness through a right relationship with God. If you are chasing after happiness, you will never catch it but if you are seeking after God, you will find endless joy.
Riches and worldly goods do not give happiness and it is much better to find true happiness in Jesus Christ than depending on riches. Jesus said in Luke 12:15, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Jesus then went on to tell His disciples about the parable of the rich fool, who was not rich toward God. We have to get over the illusion that more stuff means more peace, happiness and self-fulfilment.
Then we will be able to find the longed-for peace and happiness, which is the true good life that only Jesus can provide. The good life is found in the richness of God. Lasting satisfaction does not come from possessing tangible things like savings accounts and material goods. These things can suddenly lose value and we would be disappointed if we depended on them.
We can definitely find true happiness and satisfaction from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We should not put our trust in possessions but in Jesus Christ, as He can give us joy unspeakable. God’s Word tells us in Ecclesiastes 2:26, “To the man who pleases God, HE gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner, He gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” So we can see that there is no joy in chasing after the wind!
Child of God, if you make Jesus Christ your true foundation and stand on HIM, you will definitely find true and lasting happiness. His Face will shine upon you and everlasting joy will be yours. May PEACE And Happiness Be Yours if You Seek After God and Do His Will!
Want Jesus to show you the way to happiness? If you have not already committed your life to Jesus and you would like to do so now, please pray join us in this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I am sorry for all the things I have done wrong. Thank you for dying for me on the cross, to set me free from my sins. I ask you to come into my life as my personal Lord and Saviour, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. Help me find happiness the right way! Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen.” Congratulations, if you have prayed this prayer, Jesus Christ is now your personal Lord and Savior. Please look for a Bible-believing church, to fellowship with other Christians as you learn more about God, happiness and how to do Gods will! http://peacewithgod.net/ Ronke & “The WIN International Ministries Team”