Use “This and That” to allow Jesus to help YOU Find Divine Discoveries!

Would you like to find your place and purpose in this life? Are you tired of missing it?
You have to know that God did not design a blueprint for your life and then left you abandoned to figure it out on your own. You can find out what His plan is and change the course of your life forever.
He even longs to share it with you, but we sometimes don’t know how to connect with Him. Nevertheless, the problem is never on His side. We sometimes make mistakes that cause us to fail in connecting to His plan for us.
Mistake #1:
Having a desire to know His plan, but not the disposition to flow with His program. Most people miss it here. God wants our whole heart, not just half of it, or as much as we are willing to give. His plan is so far above anything we can imagine, that He won’t just throw it at us casually. Walking with God requires a 100% commitment.
Mistake #2:
Not taking enough time to spend with God and getting intimate with Him. It is impossible to hear from God if you don’t invest time to getting to know Him personally. Just like in any other relationship, it takes time and effort to get to know God intimately. But it is the most rewarding and wisest thing you can do. Imagine how it will affect your life if you spend time with the kindest and wisest Being in the whole universe!
Mistake #3:
Not reading the Bible to get informed about God’s general plan for humanity. There is a known will of God, His Word – the Bible, and there is His unknown will which is specific for your life. It is the blueprint He has outlined for you to build your life on. You cannot walk in the second one if you are not well informed about the first.
Mistake #4:
Throwing in the towel when things go wrong. Just because you choose to walk in God’s plan doesn’t mean everything is going to flow smoothly from now on. You will encounter obstacles. The devil will try to throw things at you to get you off track. But the Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight. If we stand on what we believe in, no matter what the circumstances are screaming at us, we will always come out victorious. Don’t ever quit doing what God has called you to do.
Mistake #5:
Following people instead of following God. We are to have spiritual leaders and that is a good thing. God puts mentors in our lives to teach us, encourage us and be an example for us. But they cannot hear from God for you. That is your job.
Well meaning people can assume they know what you should be doing, but they should never be the final authority in your life. We should always honor and respect people God has put as authorities over us, but we should never let them take a place in our life only God can have.
-B Langerfeldt